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Show i FOR T H E ; B AO KWOOpS M E N . Tiif m'o'ft jrapt'Vdtine narrative of ear iy -border tore eve: written, writ-ten, fA'ltuniutzu.for Old Agents; And Splendid ttftrl.-r tor , Beginners.-Agents' are now skiing 10 to 15 book per day We want an Agent in every town. Sena .'or terms and c.rciilars frc. The W. E. DIBBUE PUB CO., Cincinnati, O. I'SiM W REWARD 4Tt m ttV.ln ;:m nd tanning ttt for 'JhDlZti hrmmnA NEWARK MACHINE OQ.'M IMMtfZ, ;,' NEWARK, o. - -r-iL-UCIAY , ' i - --i-'r '. v .Easy to use. A certain cure. Not expensive. Three months' treatment In one package. Good; for Coid ' in the Head, Headache, Dizziness, Hay Ferer, fcc V ,wFMty cents; By all Druggists, or by inaili - ' B. T. HAZELTINE, Warden, Pa. APC MC rUbrr rr liv lh f w-nt, ht, and hut nUl.ll lu rt MIHni nrllrlf out, eaajtal required. mhU .paid tor after told. Kai'lllK 21AX''i W&SITanal SI..N.Y. .'-' - ?V-: -f vt ; ' -' Good Pay for Agent, g 100 to 8200 por mo. mudeaoliinK o-urUrntid Flew History , Famous mid MeviwUe Unttlcaof tlieVorld . Write to.1. t!. curtly A Co., St. JLoui, 3Io. ,, ...-r.. -y- . , THE COMPLETE HOME fof this beautiful book. New edition. New bindings; New illustrations from new designs. Superbly gotten up. Same low price. Adapted to all classes. Sells at sight.' Agents doing big work. EXCELLENT TERMS. The handsomest prospectus . ever issued. .Apply now. Wm. Gakkbtson & Co.. 629 , Washington Street. San Francisco, Cal. Also other grand new books and liibles. All persons say their goods are the nest. 'We Ask yfw to ex : 1 6 mine our Improved Keller PoAltlvfeForcvf'cMMMJriiin j feed and Fertilizing Irlll arid our liny iCuki M. : Tin j are as good as the best, and can be sold as cheap ; All are war . ranted. Circulars mailed free. Newark Machine Co-' Co-' NOWarkf OhlO Eastern Branch House lUgcnivwn, 314 li'ijfci L' jic .a la tbe BEST. No preparation. BlmrCllI kPl Used with any clean pen lor mark-LfT.M mark-LfT.M KIAL1J4 lup any fabric. Popular fordecora- ' r i I atlve work on linen. Received Cen-'WTr"lr3?fc Cen-'WTr"lr3?fc ItennialMEDAIi & Diploma. . yTlf IflTtef Established 50 years, hold by all - UlKJlaj vUr,TftgtB Rtatinnpra NeWS Agfa. A LAfl WILL BUY ONE A; -, !SSSr ': U Self.feed, 8TUAW A F-fp llAY CUTTEg. " :JSrtlJl The knife Is Steel, and temjered. and Hp 1 fastened-to levcr'wultrirce bplts,, I II 4rv ' I ?l"'irf-r-)e easily taken c"(T to sh ar 4" r I r JS lengtb of cut is regtiated by the. ',- I ,'lir a If'ver- t which the knife, is bolted." J5Juyi "The hijrfter the lever"' is- raised, ' vrTu-ncr it-will cut. All are wtartM. Send lot tf5'N!V rif-nhr wfjich .will 1 Tnail'-rr TJlE.- " ;:r -. i A. 3.KW Vi?Tv m FTX :.. yowart. O. :i vwriP.'j jtS SBO 'REWARD " - 'Slli1 1 J ai wil1 be pold for any-Grain ' . liilr.vl Fun of Knme size that t-txi- liMtlfi "3 'clean and bag a8nmei(5ruiu or mW 11 7MUS4 Seed In oris daran.ojir Potent ' 1 --; " Tjf , Lir MONABCU -Grain and ' T)" Hi' iiiMlI&f1!! ' eed Separatorvmti liasr ' 'W llllll I Itil -la frer.whicu we off'erftothepub-. ' f'ilill li-ri 'SI nc at a low price.-fSenti for. ' ' ' i fflssMvl. ' sYi circular' and price 'list. . w R V which will be mailed fukk. ! ' X. Ill) NEWARK MACHINE CO., , . XfcJJ 0 Newark, Ohio, U.. 8. A. K-jsiaSnjpiCqpjog -ountaioaa -5 , . , lid 'pooasajtrej, dnajgtiSJnorlsl - uui UHIUUIa goloek box of goods I nUu will bring you In LoRl U8r)Y In One Month, U I than anytWnelae in America. AbsoluteCertauity. ' trllOapOUI DIDI08 niwtratloiiHi 170 str fra. -' taraa. Btn Yaraloat Hew TUmrat AaTTTR lf I Forahea U McMackin. Cincmnatt.n.MuI'H WABlld) -L. ;MliiLE9 Co., , -. m ' v ; BEXKSXB8 AND ImFOKTXBS OF v " , ' I HEREFORD: CflTTtE '; ; : BERKSHIRE SWINE. Beecheu, ' " Will Co., """" Illinois. (Jil Reflecting Safety Lamp Vdr- '1 Can be sold in every family. Giv' l'jir dfltnf''v llirht than three ordinurv lanms. tS S?ia i"Ple liamp nvnt for fitly fv!:xfnim n atampa. have other 'SHJw'ftboutJehold ariick'H. Circulars fr. 'IJU-O!? F0RSHBE& MACKIM, Cincinnati,) |