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Show V. y u to - SSlC- J i issifei "o I - - EEE 3h.c5 S iti-i3 - 5n r"yr- J u S - o - as .? a a a.. c -3 H 5 Ho I C I t- - c .a " u V v v m i "2S S.-aM ;!;.. 5 w2 3 Z3 ' ' I 3 u r, i j Q f lit C3 -it" gaSL atO()h 3 ; 3 ,i S.g o 1 I -. 1 J 9 : jltnuHactnrere of tho original and only genatne " Star WoodvPumps, Champion Wind Mills, Iron Pumps, Boss Bickle Grinders, Patent Door and Win-. Win-. . dow Screens, Etc. TTfl ht7 07ir SO years exterienoo in the mttsfcotaro of Fumpi ana Witi Hills. It will not cost you five cts. ifK per day on the investment to -ara pump water for all your stock 3Csn -O with ouv Mill. &jFxEW Every Mill warranted never IJ to bio w down while the tower Cfj sv'"- i.ive the agency of-.i1xve k ii Sl ,:lrl'c,es-'which huve no snper-'V snper-'V V'-jrs: th;'V 'nhc the '.RAD where- ' -r ytr introduct'd.: and 'are sold ''CSjiU .-" j reason.ible terin't. I j! w.' carpenter, agent, : .BIbomin;ton, Washington Co.," Utah. ' A r ENVELOPES, with your M business curd neatlv printed on the upper W Iefth:ind corner, for onlv 2$ cetttk . Address The Union, St. Georjic, Utah. Vw SexTivo cupit&LM. TounS?' til'eenwicJa BkN. York. y' TICK'H - '' ' ILLUSTRATED 33 PajfC. O'olorod Plit t-very nuini'er an.l manv fine' Eijrrari(iK,s 4 P"hrc a ve-ar; Fiva, Cupes for S pen meiV Numbers sent for to rcefUs; 3 trial topic for eenVs. : . vAdUress,? J AMEb VCK,Hochcsler, N. Y. .... . ! 1 ; ir i" iv 1 o tf 6k 1 o tors'd.,cr-widow' ?srnM F f" l5 X I C S ll Xwoindhor1njrimrtlU"MUl . I bB V V5 V? I M Jlion apprj)riatcl anJ work- n t'orce doulilsiiV' I'ra'inpt work and homcmat!e happy. Fee m t to. Apply iw. W OW8. re married, now eiitui'.il during vi juvylumd. t;r. 8 i.'w'jsin INCREASE cases. HOUNTY ' I n. k Pay an I l)isrhariresprocurel. Deserters entitled to ' a!M.ies tinder cW laws. ffc A TTSC? SM"T"Etor InTeiu i-.r. IftrrxntsW PA I C!v I v2 procured. r. ' .i.-.i!rht und o1d. The"WORLD & SOLDIER.'Nw.eekly p uvrrv. Saui')le copy freo. ScndsUmp for full Instruction--, I i.vts limty table.' N. W. FITZCERALD it CO. Vciuiu. Patent U J.au(J A'ys, WnShlrtStOn, C .., |