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Show Where fuel is scarce its rapid growth soon pro duces usef ul word. It is readily propagated from( seed, by root cuttings, and from suckers. As a rapidly growing timber tree it has its value, and excellent furniture has been made from its wood, It is one of those tres that the settler upon the Western, treeless prairies may find very useful to provide him with fael and lnmber until better material can be grown. If the Western pettier sows Ailanthus seeds next spring, his sons and ?randsons will give him thanks for his provident uiethought. Am. Agriculturist. ; -tTclr-r- v Tlio .llAXitlx-ULGi Trob. Though it bear j the common names of "Chinese Sumach1' and 'Tree of Heaven," Ailan'hut gland-ulosus gland-ulosus is neldom called by any other name than "Ailanthus." For many years we have presented the excellent qualities of this tree, and its xeal value 10 iree planters in city or country, and m this we have not only been unaided, but have been exposed to ridicule by those who have allow- : ed its one bad quality to offset many real excellences excel-lences and ecoi omical value. It was, therefore with no little pleisure that we received from one distinguished in practical as well as scientific fotestry, a small book-rack made from the wood of the tree, in acknowledgment uf our advocacy of - the Ailanthus. Many more costly gifts have J brongh to their recipient less real plpasure than this. When aid came at last, and from so able a coadjuto- as the editor of the "Lendon Gardener's Chrouicle," vr- welcomed it with no little pride; and wh n the much revll.d Ailanthus was mentioned men-tioned as "this lioble trio which is not so well known as it ought to be,M we flt rewarded for years of Defect. The "Chronicle" says: "Asa town tree it ha few rivalo; it grows freely and gives full shade." It has for ome reason been especially fruitful in England the past season, . and the trees have bei loaded with their purplish-brown cluster. of fruit of seed vessels. The tree is dioecios bearing male and female flowrs on different trees. When in floer the male blossom blos-som give off an undeniably unpleasant odor. This is lis only drawback. Everything Je i m it favor. Asa street tre it will flourish in the pooie t soil. : It erowa rapidlv, gives abundant shade, ii remarkably clean and free from insects. |