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Show From our regular Correspondent. If C '"' New York, "July 3 18S3. II I The exodus to the watering places il has .begun, and "wherever one goes BJ-i along the river front or in the vicinity I I of Forty-second Street, carriages filled I 'if with travellers and wagons and vans I Si- laden with baggage meet one. Long j Branch will this year gain a big point IB over Saratoga'. July iO' New York has lost one yl of its most prominent and distinguish- 5 ed citizens, who left the Island city I for the purpose of developing the re- M sources of San Francisco. This is one tt Owney Geoghegan, who kept one of H the most infamous and dangerous U I dives in the city. He professed to II I have such a hold on the police judges R and everybody in power, that he fl I openly defied the law. Finally a de-k de-k I termined effort was made to break M I him up, As no other charge could lu I be aubstantiated against him, he was H arrested for allowing a boy of 1 2 M I years to sell flowers in his place. He r was convicted without ado and sentenced sen-tenced to a month's imprisonment in the. penitentiary. He has converted all his possessions, real estate and moveable, into cash, hought a draft on San Francisco, and departed for the Golden State He will probably buy a house on Nob Hill and set up as a swell. . . The death rate among children has been enornously heavy during the lale heated spell, much m excess ex-cess of previous years.' The Board of Health in consequence has commenced com-menced a most, rigid system of tenement tene-ment house inspection, with a view to see that laws as . to ventilation and fresh air are carried out. |