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Show ; OUR CLUB LIST, FOR 1884. By special arrangements we are enabled $o furnish the following papers at prices named. Now is the 1 time to subscribe. Others will be added as fast as arrangements are made to supply them. S - S ,3 Name of Paper. 15 i i & to American Agriculturalist, .s 1.50 1.S0 1.40. American Garden 1.00 1.40 .90. B'ade (Toledo,) 1.00 1.50 1 00. Breeders' Journal 1. 00 1.35 .S5. Contributor 2.00 a. 50 2.00. Detroit Free Press 1.00 1.50 1.00. Farm & Garden 50 1.00 .50. Godey's Lady's Book 2.00 2.25 1.75. Hawkeye (Burlington,) 1.25 1.65 1.15. Iowa Farmer i 1.00 1.25 .75. North American .Review 5.00 5.00 4.50. Vick's Monthly. . . .' 1.25 r. 70 jtao. Washington World t.co 1.25 ..So. Western Itural - 1.65 2.15 1.65. Iowa Farmer, I 1.00I 1.25 0.85. Heart & Hand, . i.oo 1.35 0.85. At Once. If you want the best farm and stock paper' in the west during 18S4, and a handsome free dictionary for yourself or children,, send SI at once to the Company at Cedar Rapids, Iowa. See adv. ... w 1Tntoi', able- The following named Newspapers and periodicals periodi-cals are received at this office, and are all full of cxcelllent reading-, but want of space forbids, our noticing- them in full. , jK Orion Era, St. Johns, A. T. U ;- , Orange Ridge Echo, Dc Land,-11 la. Stationer & Printer, Chicago, 111. Womau's Exponent, Salt Lake City,. Utah. Dokota Leader, Huron, Dakota. : Washington World, Washington D. C. Florida, Dispatch, JacKsonvillc, Fla. Iowa Farmer, Cadar Ilabids, Iowa. Breeders Journal, Bcccher, 111. Heart & Hand, Chicago, III. Schuylkill Valley Sentinel, Norristown, Ta. Our occasional, Cincinnati, O. Specimen, (Marder, Luse &. Co.,) Chicago, 111. IMPORTANT REDUCTION IN THE PRICE 0F VASELINE Health Sr IToihcJ how Washington, DVC. oHSBl The Type Fouuder, Chicago, II). liH The Southern Utonian comes about once in a de aLH We think the American-Garden and Contributor ' LLH considers us not worthy of an toe. s' jH )giOn account of Sickness we: i 4 H have not issued the Union regular H but trust we can do bettor in, tliQ Cheapest BlblesSsSSSrlfJ&K fl tares. Both Yrolon How Testament, AfPFN Uf iMVPn bbbV 1 "Mft HirayW"A Q0LnEH BOX OF GOODS mlEat wMrW you in M0RE MONEY, in One Honth, ij nafl LAW than anything else In America. A bsolu teCertainty. - -... H Neod nocopItfll.M.Young,)173GreonwIch8tJi.Yorfc. "lu bHH -r-i i -j HB tj ""9 fa A week made at home by the industri- . . L" llous.. Best busicss now before the pub- H rfj I f' Capital not needed. We will start - H t B swyou. Men, women, boys and girls want- - ' S bbH cd everywhere to work for us. Tsow is the time. " bH Ypujcan work in spare time, or give your whole- .. H time to the business. No other business will pav bbI -yoii nearly as well. No one can fail to'mnke cti'or- HH mous pay, by engaging at once. Costly outfit and . - laaH terms free. Money made fast, easily, and honnra- bH bly. Mention this paper and :ddross Tkui: & Co.,-' Augusta, Maine. - - . NbWJNUSE--36,989. WM All p:rtons are the Wr to 8 amitif our liuprovvd lvoller PoMtlrc Force Fecd.tlrnln hoed nn& Fertilizing Drill, ami our Kiiv Jtukv. Tin j H are as Rood as. the bcr.t.artflranbcsol'daschap All arc war H ranted. Circulars mallM Crr. Newark Machine Co.. NOWarlC. OhlO. Eastern Branch House, U:ujortuua, Sid . jH RS" "T"0 is sweeping, by, K and dare I 1 ntil'orc Vou' iet something mlgtv S I g I and sublime leave behind to conquer. Bai'W 1 time." $"V) a week in vour own town SS outfit free. No risk. Everything new. Capital - notrcqjiircd. We will furnish you everything. I ; jM Many are making- fortunes. Ladies make :is much ) 1$ v Jl as men, and boys and girls make jjreat pay. Kcad- " cr, if you want business at which yon can make fjrent paj' all'thc time, write for particulars to H. Hal-LETT Hal-LETT & Co., Port'and, Maine. Mention this paper DEEDS of DAZtlSTG " I Slfii BY BLUE AND GRAY, HEMES H The great collection of the most thri ling- per-sonal per-sonal adventures, exploits of .couts and spies, forlorn hopes, heroic bravery, imprisonments and .. . hair-breadth escapes, romantic tricidonts, hand- . to-hand strujreles, perilous journeys, daring raids -t.;' and bold deeds o?r noTit sides during the Great Civil War. No book like it. Profusely IUus- o V tratod. Outsells all. Address FORSHEE & - f MoMACKIN, Cincinnati, O. jH CJood JPity for Agonls. 8100 to 200 poE- ... J, jH jFaunoMHandWeciKivoBaltlesofUioWorlrt v -, Write to J. C. McCiirdy & Lk., &U ILouiit 32o. THE COMPLETE H0ME.h"fa&;? H 1 book. New edition. New bimlings.-New illustrations -!r .1 from new designs. Superbly gotten up. bamc low price.. ,f , Adapted to all classes. Sells at sight Agents dolne big .. - work. Excellent Terms. The handsomest prospectus . '1 C VWm" g ARRBTSOtf "IT Co. , ft Washington Street San H Francisco, Cal. Also otlier grand new books and Bibles. m i i n ipifiTrni Tn tlfln irrfm No preparation.. WiTiViLlTMLSl Used with any clean pen lor murk-Hil!P?lft murk-Hil!P?lft lug any labric. Popnfar for decora-Wim&XWmmi decora-Wim&XWmmi atlve work on linen. Received Con- KjSHlBtennialMEDAI & Diploina. . H PSifl ' 1 rto&$i TCfltflbllahedSO year. Sold by all , H C. iVI ti 4& a & Return tons witk TEH , thing else In America. Abeolnto Cet-tain fy." , Ses.ocapltal.aLYounrr,17S Greenwich HUN. York, . H One Ounce boltlos reduced from 1 5 cis. to 1 0 cents a Two Ounce bottles reduced from 25 cts. to 1 5 cents . H Five Ounce bottles reduced from 50 cts.to 25 cents JM |