Show I CHECKS INSURGENCY SPEAKER CANNONS CANNON'S COURSE ENDORSED ENDORSED EN EN- BY VOTERS AT THE ILLINOIS PRIMARIES The Progressives Were Victorious In Three Out of Twenty-five Twenty Congressional Districts Boutell Boutell StandPatter Stand Stand- StandPatter Patter Defeated Insurgents Chicago Insurgents were victorious In three out of twenty five congressional congressional congressional districts of Illinois in the primary primary mary election Friday Henry S. S Boutell stand patter r Republican Re publican who has represented the ninth a Chicago district In congress ss for tor twelve years was defeated by Frederick H. H Gansbergen who conducted conducted conducted con con- ducted f his campaign on an out and anel out Insurgent platform Gansbergen was supported by the regular Republican Republican Republican lican organization In the eleventh district Colonel Ira IraC Irac C C. C Copley the first man in Illinois Illinois' Illinois to come out as an Insurgent candidate I 14 t tyr yr JOSEPH G. G CANNON Congressman from Eighteenth District Die Dis of Illinois won the Republican nomination over George eorge W. W Conn who classed himself as Is a progressive conservative This seat eat now Is occupied d by bYl Howard M. M a stand John C C. C McKenzie secured the Republican Re Re- publican nomination in the thirteenth district after a spirited contest with Reuben euben R. R Tiffany Both McKenzie i 4 HENRY S. S BOUTELL Congressman from Ninth District of Illinois and md Tiffany denied affiliation with the stand patters McKenzie making his campaign as a progressive while Tifany Ti Tiffany fany any exhibited slightly more radical lews an called himself an Insurgent Speaker Joseph G. G Cannon was re- re nominated In the eighteenth district by a majority close to He was opposed by Henry B. B Downs an insurgent insurgent gent ent of his own city |