Show 4 UTAH UT AU STATE NEWS NEW Durl During l an el electrical l storm at N Nephi Ne struck the barn c cGeorge o oGeorge of phi lightning burning It to the th George orge E. E Howard ground Charles under arrest t lr In to fourteen fourteen four four- has bas confessed Salt Lake City teen burglaries in the capital cit city during the past four months Incendiaries are causing considerable considerable consider consider- able damage In the vicinity of Santaquin SantaQuin Santaquin Santa Santa- haystacks having been beci quin several destroyed by fire the past week double double- The Damberger Bamberger road will be tracked in the immediate future non nom Farmington to tx Kaysville and also fo for tor five miles out of Salt Lake and Og Og- den Clarence Morgan a miner employed employ employ- Coalition mine ed at the Silver King at Park City fell down a chute fifty feet teet in length and escaped serious in In- juries In ir Inthe Inthe With the largest representation the history of the union on hand the state convention of the W. W C. C T. T U U. opened in Provo on the 14 th for a three days' days session The license to retail and wholesale wb liquor dealers of Park City was Increased increased in In- creased at a meeting of the city council council coun coun- cil Thursday night Mayor Frank Daly Daiy casting the deciding ballot Joe 29 years oi ox u ns was killed at the Columbus Consolidated r afternoon afternoon afternoon after after- mine in Alta AHa district Tuesday noon by the caving in of a seven-foot seven in which he ho was shoveling of At the fourth annual convention the Utah State Federation of Labor held in Salt Lake City a resolution was vas adopted opposing an any change Inthe in iu inthe the present liquor laws of the state Losing his balance and falling from the wagon in which he was riding as Joan 1 the team took a sharp turn pioneer farmer of Hooper Weber county broke his neck dying Instantly W. W J. J Burns a farmer of Beaver county has raised probably the largest largest larg larg- arg- arg est eat squash ever seen in the state The squash It is said will weigh pounds It will be placed on exhibition exhibition exhibition tion at the state fair At a a. meeting of the members of the Utah Press association at Tremonton on September 13 a a. resolution was adopted placing the members on r record record rec rec- cord c- c ord as being against the creation of ofa ofa a a. railroad commission Cle Clement ent Strong aged 9 was seri serl seriously Injured at Alpine when a cartridge cartridge cartridge cart cart- ridge which he had bad found was wa exploded exploded exploded ex ex- ex- ex the thumb and forefinger being being betag be be- ing tag torn from the left hand and the right hand badly lacerated hunting doves in a a. canyon canyon can can- yon yon about a mile south of Kaysville C. C W. W Whitman of Salt Lake was accidentally accidentally ac shot in the leg by a friend About small shot entered his Ills right leg just above the knee A most Important move In the direction direction di di- of good roads has been s sart- sart carted cart art arted ed in Sevier county Next week the county road commissioner win WILt commence com corn mence work at Salina Sauna on a section of the state road leading south There will be a a matter of spent on this work Ano Another mysterious fire occurred at Tooele when the big barn belonging to Henry secretary or the tha th Tooele waterworks was burned The barn contained a large quantity of farming mac machinery iner which was de de I A horse valued at was also burned The recruiting station of the marine marise ma ma- rise rine fine corps established in Salt Lake City Gity on June 25 has h s made an excellent excel excel- lent bat showing In enlistments for the service during that time Seventy- Seventy three men have been enlisted over 30 per cent of these being residents of fU Utah The digging of beets has commenced commenced com corn in Cache valley The rhe crop Is short as compared with that of last year ear In some of the big producing districts like Lewiston the estimate I Is that there will be at least a a. 30 percent percent per cent reduction In the crop Parasites which look like cantaloupe cantaloupe cantaloupe canta canta- 5 loupe seeds are believed to be e the cause of the death of the wild wid fowl in Utah according to Dr J. J W. W Treman city of Salt Lake who has forwarded specimens of the parasites parasites parasites para para- sites to the government health bureau bureau bureau bu bu- bu- bu reau at Washington The Socialists met in Salt Lake City and nominated a complete state and county ticket The platform reaffirms re- re re reaffirms e affirms the principles embodied In Inthe Inthe inthe the national platform of 1908 declaring declaring I ing In favor of a complete overthrow of existing economic and political conditions Nine of Salt Lakes Lake's greatest retail establishments have decided to return to the late closing Saturday nights and beginning September 17 11 the old hours will be resumed The big merchants merchants mer mer- chants claim they have lost I this summer as a result of the early closing movement I A company which Is composed largely of Salt Lake people proposes to build a big amusement resort at 11 Millville v e Cache county and construct and operate an electric line through Logan between and Hyde Park Desperate to the point of suicide because because be be- cause his cravings for hop hoi could not be satisfied John Bell a dope fiend attempted to take his own life lire by hanging banging himself from the ceiling of his cell In th the city Jail at Ogden but was discovered before Ut lif life 1 was ex ex- n |