Show fiRES ESC CAUSE GAUSE ET DEATH AND RUIN WHOLE CITY AND AID VAST AREAS ARES SWEPT BY BLAZING STORM LIFE AND PROPERTY LOSS ENORMOUS Party of One Hundred and Eighty Caught In Seething Zone and and Alarm is Fe Fet for Their Safety Missoula Mont Mercilessly Mercilessly and relentlessly forest fires in western Montana and Idaho are aro sweeping over 1 vast area driving hundreds of C fugitives fugitives fugi fugi- tives lives before beCore them destroying small settlements and wiping out of exist exist- nee nce millions of dollars' dollars worth of property The situation Sunday night is more serious than it was In the early morning morn ing ng except as to Wallace Idaho where it is is' believed that nearly half halt haltof of the city will wUl be saved Communication Communication cation with Wallace to the west has been een possible at intervals Sunday but eastward it is entirely cut off It Is known that the entire east half hal of the tho has been town above Seventh street burned West Vest of that a hard fight is being made and with an improvement In tho the water supply there Is more chance charice that the flames may be driven back For a few Cew minutes Sunday afternoon af a- a a reporter at Wallace had a wire He summarized the situation as follows Thirteen lives lost property loss lossone lossone lossone one million illion fire still threatening Refugees Reach Missoula About a thousand refugees have been brought into Missoula Sunday There Is much distress among them Their wants are being supplied by Missoula people and they have been given temporary homes Three more rescue trains reached Missoula Sunday night from the west The Milwaukee e ran in two of them and the Northern Pacific another There were about persons on the trains but none of them is in the distress distress dis dis- dis tress that marked tho the earlier arrivals The last Northern Pacific train brought Information that the town of reported earlier to be threatened threatened threat threat- ened ned had caught fire before this train led leit St. St Regis From all directions come reports of f deaths in the flames but they are not authenticated and it is not believed that there have been many fatalities Two unknown men were overcome by smoke In the forest near Iron Moun Moun- tain tam |