Show The Duchesne Record ji Published at My Myton ton Utah Vr 1 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE PRIG TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR fl FRED L. L V WATROUS Editor E. E W. W of Theodore spent y yesterday and today here 1 A baby girl was born bora to the the wife of t Tom Smith Wednesday Dr Bjornson vas was in and everyone concerned concerned concerned con con- is doing nicely H. H K Palmer who has been here for several everal years with the Indian service this week received notice to report at ati i f once to Los Angeles for another assign- assign v went ment ent He will leave for California about bout Tuesday of next week Mr Palmer Palmer Pal- Pal Palmer mer has made a large circle of frie friends ds who r regret gret seeing him leave for another field v E. E M. M Jones is on deck this week with za good big display ad in which he tells you all about the superiority of aluminum ware over any other kind Take your butter and eggs to My Myton ton and sell them to Beggs cash Beggs cash or P Paul ul and Miss Pearl son and daughter daught er of Mr Mr and Mrs J. J A. A Curry Cuny arrived arrive d from irom Victor Colorado Sunday night A trial will convince you that Hunts Hunt's Baking Powder i is the best For s st sale at Calvert Calver t c Vau fibs fibs' hB J Mrs S. S M. M Calvert is visiting thi this s week with Mrs Charles Milne on Lake Lake- fork Mrs Hoskinson Miss Alma Frost and Mrs F. F L. L Watrous and n are visiting this week at Theodore A crowd of young folks Tuesday gave e Miss Lillian Babcock and Miss Alice Alic Todd a delightful surprise party at th the e Babcock ranch It was a complete surprise surprise surprise sur sur- prise in every sense and all present presen t had a splendid time Mrs J. J H. H Holgate secretary of the th e school district was in to town wn Monday The people in that district t desire to have the name changed to They have rented a building for school purposes this winter and expect expect expect ex ex- to open school t they the first Monday in October Dave Clayburn will be the teacher He holds a state ta e certificate te and is recommended as a first-class first man Supt H. H C. C Means and father went up to Theodore Sunday returning byway by byway byway way of f Blu Blue bench Monday afternoon They remained over in My Myton ton until Tuesday afternoon Services in My Myton ton town hall Sunday evening v pi g at 8 0 clock At Roosevelt next next Sunday August 28 at 3 p p. p m. m J. J D. D STORMONT W. W J. J Carlisle established residence on his Pleasant valley homestead this week He has just built a comfortable cabin and has it furnished with everything everything everything every every- thing excepting the girl Wanted for cash oats cash oats and wheat BEGGS J. J J F. F Babcock and wife returned from Colorado Tuesday night They 1 went just east of the Utah line as s faras far faras faras as the K ranch near where they have taken up some choice desert land Commissioner John W. W Moffitt came down from Boneta Wednesday afternoon afternoon afternoon after after- noon and yesterday he and Engineer Ed F. F Harmston commenced the laying laying lay lay- ing out of the road to the north Work it is announced will be commenced on this road at once both by by th the the county county and the settlers Prof Oscar Kirkham of Salt Lake son-in-law son of A. A M. M Murdock was here for or farmers' farmers institute yesterday Mr and Mrs Kirkham are visiting their relatives at Theodore and have been catching fish on Rock creek Let Beggs figure on that bill of l lumber and building material you will save money Charles Marton was here the first fast of the week on his way to Vernal Charles is just back from a several months' months trip to Wyoming and Colorado At Lake City he saw Charles Clapper one of the early settlers near Theodore Mr Clapper re recently fell lell heir to a portion portion portion por por- por- por tion of a comfortable estate recently left by his father He is now at Bluff Utah Mr Barton will put some cattle cattIe on his Lake canon cation ranch this fa fall The rhe lumber famine is broken Tile The Uintah Builders' Builders Supply company hns has a n large well assorted as as- sorted at their mill will from 12 l M per up f according to quality o and dimensions |