Show DETAILS MUST BE WATCHED Little Things Which Make Great Dlf Dlf- ference In the Way a Dress Hat or Wrap Looks In dress as In other things the Importance of the attention to little things Is essential If It this be given the big effect will take care of Itself A gown hat or 01 wrap can be raised from a plane of ot mediocrity to that of distinction by the introduction of little Ittle details of ornamentation that ar are are decidedly successful In n the at at- of that end yet are within the reach o most fingers A hat that in Itself Is the duplicate of hundreds of others can be treated to a peculiar tin finding binding ding or an unusual adjustment of ornaments The binding bind bind- ing ng by the way offers wise wide field for differentiation from the usual flat fiat velvet facing Fringe in silken or linen forms is distinctive If used as asan asan asan an edging for Cor the turned down rim Silk or velvet can be puffed purred or shirred over the edge while a rose Is the newest trimming for Cor that part art of the hatIn haLIn hat haL hatIn In dress the details are extremely important What Is the use usa of ot bothering about these little things many hom home dressmakers protest It ItIs Itis Itis is just this attention to the details that the French have so mastered that stamp a model as good or Indifferent Little that are for the most part hidden applications of tiny buttons or narrow braid hidden bands of cf color under lace and the wonderful to hooks hooles loops and buttons at all fastenings are the factors that produce a successful whole Last of all let Jet there be paid a careful careful care care- ful CuI attention to the tho accessories with which woman adorns herself With Witha a blue dress wear blue pins and rings rims I With a red dress use the jewelry that best harmonizes with the shade Black and white are more friendly to the Jewel casket but the rule of one color scheme Is tho the best to be ob oh- served |