Show v QUEEN OF ACTRESSES PRAISES RU PE Miss Julia Marlowe r I am zm glad to write my endorsement endorsement endorse endorse- ment of the great remedy Peruna 1 I Ido do so most heartily Julia Marlowe Any remedy that benefits digestion strengthens the nerves nerve Tho rho nerve centers require nutrition If It the digestion is impaired tho ncr nervo o ocon con centers become anemic and nervous debility Is the result PARKERS PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM i i and bc beautifies the hall hiIr a luxuriant growth rth Never Patio Falls to Gray Hair to its Youthful Color Curt Cure Mir hair foiling and At u Thompsons Thompson's I i S Eye ye Water Y I Children Especially Like The sweet fla flavour of Post L I criS Crisp fl fluffy ff bits of r perfectly perfectly per per- ripe white corn corn corn- cooked rolled and then toasted to an appetizing brown Served with cream and sometimes fruit this r dainty food pleases th the whole family r Give the home-folks home a treat The Memory Ling Lingers Packages lOc and CEREAL CO COMPANY Ltd Battle Dattlo Creek Mich La- La STATE or OJ OHIO CITY or OF TOLEDO LEDO r 01 LUCAS COUNTY f f I FRANK J. J makes oath that he be t Ja 13 semo partner ot of t the Orm of K F. J J. J dISNEY E Co doln doing g business f oln In tim tho City CHy of ol tT Toledo County n and j State Stat aforesaid and that thit t said ld firm Orm will pay the sum Burn o of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each arh and every case r of ol CATARRH that cannot bo cured by the use o of HALLS HAIL CURE COliC FRANK FRANIC J. J Sworn vorn to before me and subscribed l In my presence this thin Oth day of December A A. D. D 1666 j L i A. A W. W GLEASON 1 j Z SEAL f r NOTARY PUBLIC Halls Catarrh Cure Is 13 tAken Internally and act acta directly upon the blood and mucous uS surfaces s of Hi the I System Send Scud for t testimonials o f free Iroc F. F J. J dISNEY CO Toledo O O. Sold by alt all Druggists Take Hall s Family rills for tor constipation Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle o of CASTORIA a safe and sure remedy fo for infants and children and see sec that I it Dears Bears the Y l Signature of ofIn In Uso Use For Over 30 Years Years Tho Kind You Have Always Bought Dought Its It's awfully hard to convince the young man in the case that all the world loves a lover Dr Dr I small mahl r easy to toti ti take tako her or and as g candy bowels i. i regulate and 3 euro u o constipation and g lf lO stomach I How low one woman doesn't enjoy enjo hearIt hear hear- I It J IT WEARS YOU OUT Kidney Troubles Lower the Vitality of the Whole Body Dont Don't wait walt for serious illness begin begin begin be be- gin using Doans Doan's Kidney Pills when you first feel backache or notice u urinary inary disorders John L. L Perry Columbus Co Co- Co 1 lumbus Texas says I was taken sick about a year ago My i c. c limbs and feet began began be be- 2 gan to swell and my doctor said I had hac Brights Bright's disease I Ithen I Ithen then consulted another another another an an- other doctor who told cz me I had dropsy and andr could not live Doans Doan's r Kidney Pills relieved relieved re re- re- re me promptly and I owe my life to them R Remember member the name name Doans Doans For sale by all dealers 50 cents a box Foster Milburn Co Buffalo N. N Y Kill the Flies Now and Keep disease away aware A DAISY FLY KILLER will do it Kills Kilts thousands nd Lasts all sea season on Ask your dealer or send to II H. SOMERS SOM- SOM ERS DeKalb Ave Brooklyn N. N Y V To 10 help others is no easy matter but requires a clear head and a wise judgment judg judge judgement ment meat as well weB as a warm heart Ave A Ave Ave- ve bury PERRY PERKY DAVIS DAVIS' PAINKILLER Summer complaint bowel trouble cramps crumps have hare no terrors In tho tim household where this dependable medicine Is kept on hand and SOc bottles Nothing is there more friendly to a aman aman aman man than a friend in need Plautus Mrs lUrs Winslows Winslow's Soothing Syrup teething softens I Iho ho gums reduces In In- tl pain spam In cures wind colic Dna bottle Ulo One cant can't always disguise the breath of suspicion by spicy talk Hoods Sarsaparilla I las made itself welcome lID iro the homes of the people the the- world over by its wonderful cures of all blood diseases an and and- run-down run conditions Get It today tOllay In usual liquid form or tablets called f Make n n TI the Liv Liver r fi Do its Duty Nine limes In ten when the tle liver is ii right Lr stomach and bowels are tight right CARTERS CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS gently but firmly cot c pel a isz lazy liver to todo do iu its duty dur p Cure Con VER Indigestion PILLS tion Sick Headache and Di Distress tre after Eating Small Pill Small Dote Dose Small Price GENUINE must aunt bear signature w. w L. L DOUCLAS 3 s Bus Shoes f Shoes S H 0 E S 3 Z W. W L. L Douglas shoes arc tiro worn Avora by more men than ban any make tf BECAUSE AV 1 I and I ill style fit and wear ry other costing casting to flIRt ami shoes are the lowest price quality world Feat Fast Color Eyelets The genIno have Vt T L. L Don elas name and price pric stamped on tho bottom Take N A sic vor shoe if they are not ton for sal al i in town write for Mall Mail Order Cat CaU alog giving lull foil direction how hw to order liv by mall mail Shoes ordered direct from far factory delivered to the wearer all WI v. v 1 DOUGLAS Brockton Drockton ALLENS ALLEN'S FOOT FOT EASE Shake Into Your Shoes MIens Allen's Foot Foot- Foot Ease the tho antiseptic powder for the feet It cur cons s 17 painful r I swollen JeD e t 7 f and takes the tho l' l out ol of l eJ 1 coma and ba bunions Dions Its It's the treat treat- t j est eat comfort of bf the f fn n flitO o. o Aliens Allen's Foot Ease Foot males maios t ti bt Z A 1 or new shoes feel easy It is 15 a 1 V for nails nula I i fn int Ing callous and sod tired aching feer feeL fee Wo We havo COO I V r. r J h l Cj Sold everywhere c P. P A l Jo no not ncr accept any t Sent by mail mall for in ID stamps r FREE TRIAL o u n b b sent by GRAYS GRAY'S SWEET In a VIm FO OW IJ US t the best medicine for sickly Children dren Suld Sold tz bj br use Allen AUen S D 1 Druggists Druggist's 8 every everywhere where h Foot Ease Trial P ick P eo Kit URE KB Ad Address ALLEN S. S Lo LeRoy LoRoy Roy N. N Y K- K Know Shaving Comfort I INO NO STROPPING NO HONING KNOWN H THE WORLD OVER n OYOLA Y V S SONE ONE DYE FOR FOK ALL GOODS l 16 fast brilliant n colors o lOc Joe per package at dealers 1 If not in n stock send scud ISo IDo 6 stating 8 color aas same will bo sent with direction book an and O LA liu YtM M A AK E E CANVAS GLOVES AT f. f sI work o Big profits Unlimited ed demand Wo We supply gloves ready to sew start small m and a prow grow ro bl 1 Valuable l f Y money making o m I Instructions DS Cons and free tree Th The il C Cotton Cu Good lo Co Alter G Ge- Ge p PA ATEN TENT YOUK m IR IDEAS They may al b l oe I wealth c page Ut-page B Book Free rn- rn list t lb t Co o. o s. s Box 1301 K W. W N. N U U. U Salt Lake City No 20 Each of 01 tile the chief chiel or organs organs orS or- or gans gaas of the body Is er SJ iiii S link Life I in A the chain Chain is if no of stronger link than its weakest the body body- no stronger than it its weakest organ If there is weakness of stomach liver or lungs there is IE weak link in the tho chain of life which may snap at any anytime time tirns Often this so called U 4 weakness is caused by lack of nutrition the result of weakness or disease of the tho stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition Diseases and weaknesses of the stomach and its allied organs arc uro cured by the use of Dr Pierces Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery When the weak or diseased stomach is iss P cured diseases of other organs ortans which seem remote from the stomach but have bave their origin in a diseased condition of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition arc ore cured also The strong man has a strong stomach Take the above recommended Discovery Discos cry ery and you may have have- havea a strong siom ach and a strong body GIVEN AWAY Dr Pierces Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser new revised Edition is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only Send 21 one one cent cent stamps for the book in paper covers or 31 stamps for the cloth bound vol voU ume mae Address Dr R. R V. V Pierce Buffalo N. N Y THE PRADE RADE MARK A l r rA A A Womans Woman's Home should be her pride Your home should A A reflect your own individuality You cannot have special wall papers designed designed designed de de- de- de signed by you for each room you room you can carry out a special decorative decora decora- It 4 tive scheme for those rooms you rooms you can enn be bea a leader in your community and have bave J your home Urn the talk of your friends The Stylish Wall Tint 1 I fa Is the material th that t will accomplish this result Wo We c can n Inn innumerable color effects classic stencil designs and our Art Department U is at your service 1 Send for the book explaining what we wedo do I Ifor for you and how wo we furnish free frea stencil where r U ii I wed used l is ia 5 a n. port pot po made from Alabaster ready for forrise use rise by raisins mixIng with coul coic water and is applied with au an ordinary ordinary or- or wall brush Full direct directions OIlS on each package Company N New NewYork w York City NY Grand Rapids Pil MI Mich d F p f ThI PACKAGE i t. t |