Show p Commercial Club Inaugurates A Movement to Raise 1000 ForAn For ForAn ForAn An Exhibit at the Irrigation and Land Congress at Chicago C. C B. B Cook secretary of the lyton Commercial club dub lias has inaugurated a campaign to see sec that the Uinta basin basic receives a proper proper representation at it the National Irrig-at Irrig Irrigation ion congress congre s Thick convenes in in Chicago 1 next lext November NO r. r While the local club has tak- tak el n the initiative the matter I should hould by no means be n- n BS ed l to this immediate territory or or to the there theres theres s n is s but little doubt douht but bat that hen the people leople understand the ithe he importance of the real leal ob oh- object in view Ashley valley alley and she the h Reservation will join hands in l a united effort to give Jhc the Uinta basin the greatest 1 amount of the desirable kind It o of auver advertising t. t ISing in iii its I. I history I IT T Ve e e have ha all along sin since ce p agreed said 1 Mr r. r Cook that the lie l Uinta uta basin needs more ad- ad Some efforts have hae leen Been made to be he sure sine to give iele i e the ilie le outside world an ml idea of the theon jy awaiting awaiting await await- wonderful on opportunities ing Ig the But we wc have I e 1 only begun to tell the thc story ston i. i hit of advertising ad ml- K Pei Perhaps haps the best ff rising the state of Utah has ever ever received was the United P States Land and Irrigation congress con COB tress gress ress in last Decem her ber er The Uinta T I tn basin Hl however J y r ras as not heard of hat What we ant is some sonic ael fob for r I this part of the state Here len we weare were are Ire re isolated from the rest oft of of- t the world with more than a J half million of irrigable irrig and p. p tillable acres ef of ele deep p fertile soil 01 an abundance of cheap I water vater adorable growing rowin weather er 25 days s of sunshine in the thet I t year and thousands of laud land l hungry people scattered over o B the face of the earth carth If they l but ut knew what we have here nothing could keep them away not liot even en the thou thoughts of a long longi i and tedious stage ride lide in clouds of f dust Out of this half Million milion million mil- mil lion ion and more there is less than acres in cultivation The population of the basin ought ht t o be t ten tell n times tulles what hat it is There is going oin to be he jig big land show in iii Chicago this coming November under the thc auspices of the Chica Chicago o Trib Trib- Tribune I une lne time the same great reat paper pa paper er that flint made the last one such a success suc suc- cess tile cess the show that people paid each to see sec f The the 11 Ie U. U Uinta In t a 1 basin d' d Sill is IS going t tobe to tobe 0 be advertised at that sl show ow We Ye Weare ire are going to have ha our agricultural agricultural agri agri- cultural mineral and soil I oil products products pro pro- ducts there and we are going to have IHl plenty of advertising ad matter tellin telling all about this country Two hundred men in iii this I I basin each giving 5 would defray the expenses of such an exhibit That amount should casil easily be me raised One Due well known man luau the other day of offered offer offer- rc r- r c ed to His Hh bundled hund- hund led will be accepted later for advertising mh purposes but not all 11 of it for the Chicago exhibit Only a few men have been heen approached on out the subject but hut all with one accord heartily Y eu- eu I Cl-I clorse the thc plan From the thc many llan r letters already received the thc following following fol fol- fol- fol lowing from L. L W. W Curry of Ouray is is a fair sample The prosperity of 01 l each ach of ofUs ofus ofus us located cl in inthis this section his is contingent largely upon the prosperity rity of the whole Uinta Cinta basin hasin Not one of us can go O goit it alone and succeed If we properlY advertise and worL orl faithfully this is hound bound to b be ultimately a happy thriving community that we all nil will ill h be IH proud of being identified ith n ith I l enclose 10 towards the 1 l oeo which the club duh is raisin raisin to send an ant exhibit to the irrigation irrigation gation con congress ress ane and do further advertising The fhe id i idt l should be he contributed to b bt everyone within fifty miles milts oj oi oil My M ton H one Anyone wish wishing ipg to l with this exhibit do not dela delat la but send in n your 3 5 at ut once to the thc M ton Commercial club Later arrangements will ill be he bem m f fad ni linee thrum nn M i rt wr- wr s be ul ct 01 to properly persons at oth other r points |