Show LET THE PEOPLE KNOW B By L By-L L. A. A Hollenbeck HolIen t 1 On February 15 last Jast Senator Dill speaking in the United States senate about the tremendous water- water electric IC power power fr trust st and its its 10 lobby inthe In Inthe Inthe the senate I which ICh I Is working against the Swing Swing-J Swing Johnson h son hill bill ill and amt the Boulder dam p TOO v ot t because it I Is proposed sed in that bill that bill that the gov gay government shall control ol the price pric of the e ic power generated at at Boulder dam says So the lobby which has been working here is is isa a a lobby more clever an and subtle and more effective than any I have ever ever 6 known In m my public career ej ther in inthe p. p the House or In the Senate Senate- and on Feb 13 13 Senator Senat r Walsh of or Montana a declared declared on the floor o of the tho Senate that the Llie power lower lobby was the formidable that had bad aver Vl s I Ii IVr i Vr Wellington hin ton during durIn his I long n c r- r vice vico in th senate senat and alaI I Walsh of Massachusetts brought a resolution before the Senate to com corn compel pel per the lobbyists to r register Also on Feb 12 ex Governor Pinchot r an auh anable i iI I able and sort honest maTI man magi and a Republican Republican lican said that than the power lobby was the most moo formidable ever assembled In Wash Washington Anil And this powerful lobby is determined to carry cary on ut iU it purpose as declared last Jast spring s-pring by its leader lender Josiah T T. Newcomb and as repeated on tho tiro noon floor of or he ue son ben ate by Hiram Johnson that I represent represent rep rep- resent an investment of or and we do not propose to let the government enter the power business busi busl ness at Boulder Canyon There you have it ft The gr put grant power trust Is fighting the Boulder Canyon project to the detriment of or orthe the people ot of the State o of or Utah and of the Uintah basin Every drop of water walter Tn in n the Colorado river IT is Its low stages in the summer is c e ci cr now over appropriated by Cali California Cornia and Mexico and we cannot appropriate late another drop as against them the and they have a right to take It It unless the Boulder canyon canon dam is built and California signs the river liver pact as she he agrees to do if it t that at bill b becomes o 3 a law and aud them than California waives her priorities and that h t gives the Uintah basin a chance to grow for as Delph Carpenter that great engineer from Colorado and who with Herbert Hoover and d others formed tho the Colorado rives pact says that under the pact the thc upper states slates havia Nava a right to use all the water f If the they can but of course they cant can't and besides no man can stop the flow How of the Colorado river and Its Us es and more than ihan enough water a tel will pass Lee I Ferry every ito y- y NJ r lo to sati satisfy y the agreed j a l ie feet for the lower stu sh J aa The The cost of or that project will not come came out 01 of the U. U S S. S t treasury It will come from hon t tc h be issued anti and the inverters will be the fife business mm nun of California and the I samo same will probably be true of the Columbia 11 aver el project pro where the users and investors will be bo the wealth elf Portland Seattle and the big cities clUes on Pug t Sound Big projects projects pro pro- are financed where there are big markets In Utah we are arc late Our time lime has not dome come But it will HI t c come when we get got a a. market for the I juice and not not before But the truth is js that the big power trust is charging charging charging ing enormous prices for fOI electric I I nice lice and they fear rear that the tho government government govern govern- ment it If it owns awns a will sell I power for fez about what it is worth and thus I II I establish ll a yardstick to measure mc p power ewer service service all oer over this this' country so that time the people will not b robbed It look as though wo we had a sUb CL ed press preiss that has I been be n working u up p propaganda for far the the power trust tl In Inthis this country o. o o |