Show n I a D Q d II o v bs 1 l lr wW r i J X o 9 t tI v I z j t t I 1 By ELMO SCOTT WATSON V NE t of ot the indictments that has lIls frequently fie fie- rev been brought against American Amerlean Amer Amer- lean ican people is that from the beginning beginning begin ning tf of um bur history as ns a na we we w. w have been gull guilty y of oJ th the most reckless reck- reck 1 lesS less extravagance in dissipating our n natural resources resources- our forests our j jL wild lId game and our places of scenic b beauty A coroll corollary ry to that Uta m went ment nt Is is that not content with the r destruction of ot the beautes of the theo o outdoors t e we C have aso allowed our our tl to mar the beauty of such such- natural t apes as as do remain with a variety of ai art art- ti tiki ki al additions o s whose ugliness cannot l be excused r upon spon gro grounds of utility huge billboards ards and posters al ull alJ erected to the honor and 7 7 of the great gO soda Advertising Ad lg deface ih the theand and lull grate upon the sensibilities of ot t b 9 would Y look loh too with pleasure up upon n a vista Ista t tees furs a and d flow lowers lovers rs and green grass and nd tl flowing ani And then to complete te the pi picture tue we e f added another nother e eyesore eyesore esore upon the face of L Ser r the Nature the n stand Th The Cind and ad general hl eol ne s of Ih most t of these aures ures need no description here They are ore fco familiar lo to anyone who vho has e ever evet r taken a aK ri alp K trip to any part of the h country I er however there seems seems to be so some e relief h t situation In sight About 1 o a year Sear ear ago go r Jit 10 n. n Mrs tiro John D D. D Rockefeller Jr Jrr was louring J D h New V England she was impressed by bythe the Biness Iness of ot the refreshment stands scattered scatter d die ose Intervals along the roadside and she that here was a condition not not- merely to to but to be re remedied Upon her her- h r r return tt n i w. w York fork she set about applying th the reme remedy H Ht t g at the disposal of ot the Art Centre of offart ij fart Jork the sum of to be used as the th n for a n campaign the he campaign to improve appear- appear St ref fit our w national highways In at least least one orie cL ke TI Art Centre In operation co with the Amer Amer- Chic We association of Washington D. D C. C announced a series of ot four compel compel- W H 1 to w stimulate the Improvement em nt In tn the ap ap- snare ranee of ot these wayside stands The first Prizes for fr the best photographs of rent re rc re- re eat ent nt stands which now are in use with the theMI of getting into theIr hands bands Information con con- MI b prevailing ailing conditions This contest closed 15 1927 1027 and the awards In It have e spill been announced The second contest tN fired red by the two associations will offer r prizes f for r architectural plans or drawings drawIng ka lj ij hI w rd which Ich It II Is s proposed to better conditions offers rebates or underwriting con con- on and the fourth tou will offer annual prizes dua term ot of f years Jears for tor the good appearance Ik p f of ot those stands which have been built buill tle wards awards 11 It of the second and third competitions i In In the first contest have been an an- d as follow First prize to Pinkies I Ul P owned ned and operated by Norma Bamman JO T r avenue a Plainfield N. N J. J second prize a r R e fie a Bee hive Cabin George A. A Parker lo str get t Falls halls N. N Y Y third prize bungs w w. J J. J Young Ontario Calif Helen The a Hut owned by 7 th Morena boul boulevard boulard ard San Diego Calif talea pf z e Motts Iott's Taverns Ta owned and andI l' l i toy ftp I 1 ty Y the American Fruit Product com corn in nea C V hI sixth prize 75 The Cabin Cabij Lo i n 3 county Nova Scotia seventh Son RIo Del Mar Service Station Mrs 1 on oa N N. N i w i fag as tusk Lusk k Apt Aptos Aptos- s Calif Honorable men ment m i t IT 11 HonT made of the Williams Sandwich Shop Falls P f l 1 Colo and The Little Grey Gre oWned n nM operated by Mrs Kathryn Mee Me Mc r. r M. M lwe via Calif Cant lie ahe J judges es who awarded the ere e P 0 ail Adi Ad 1 i G George eorge 1 n B- B Ford rord vice president Tech ch t Pro min I heat c COrP Harvey Wiley Cor- Cor or architect and builder of or the thc Hush flush Wy ew eW yA p vice president nt of ol olM fork to 13 lanes M- M s ork k dial chapter of the American Society tda fd pe Architects and antI Ele D. D pit Ier of the executive board of ot the HIP thet Ie c t 4 association ital but ant 0 of 11 t Photographs of wayside refresh th ll d b II from m C every ery state In the Union wen vera tan tat J till Committee The photographs Suh uh t. t i t hn men wens tI from flom the thc severely kind 8 n tl In n every ery conceivable form of dress s. ab l und In adorned f lu gloving pink paper f et 1 t feathers fathers artfully contrive contrive- pigskin t t E M hur Arr DIE O y f ZE portfolios mountings embellished with laces and baby ribbons all all were sent for Inspection It ItA A Developed veI d that about two-thirds two of ot th the stands sending their portraits were run by women ranging rang ing from r young school girls to a woman of eighty- eighty two who was running a v very y successful stand Old Oid c couples u I S too oo were ele high In the list One old couple h In the sixties a old people with no means of livelihood to go into the refreshment stand business Pathetically reveau revealing g were ere s some me of th the letters accompanying the photographs Stories of ot heartaches heartaches heart heart- aches and happiness success success and failure were ba bared ed for r Judges who must award for actual accomplishment ac accomplishment ac- ac com regardless less of ot deserving effort Were an old c couple all alone now Children 4 in homes in-homes of th their ir own We built this stand with money sent e as us-as us a Christmas present froni our son on wrote wrote an au old gentleman We want other p people ople who must earn earn a living to know how bow su successful a really y attractive well kept stand can be The TI doctor ordered py y husband to a dry cUm climate ate wrote one me woman woman We came to Arizona We had very very- little money but with We gathered from our our desert and we built a a refresh refreshment 1 ment meat s stand and which Is s complimented by byall all tourists who wilo visit us We feature walnut cookies and apple ap pIe cider and we vc are now doing a order mail business business busi busl ness In honey from our own bees I wanted a trip to Europe another Woman woman declared but my stand has become more important Imp An amusing entry In this tails contest was a miniature miniature minia minia- ture stand made and submitted by a group oi ot young children The model was was ryas barely eight inches long and made of white cardboard Tables chairs fashioned Qui qua all were artfully cou counters stoves of ot the fragile cardboard with due regard for pro portion From the ceiling were suspended tiny white beads in lieu of electric lights and the respectably covered with diminutive floors were of ot linoleum It was a delightful little pieces exhibit but unfortunately out of the range specified tIed lied by the contest Pinkies Pantry wl which won the first prize outstanding for Its fine simplicity Erected was from used wood at the low cost of ot barely and dignity with Its clean charm achieved cd a It large windows and Its angled odd angled white paint od comfortable white benches Its display was dIscreetly discreetly discreetly dis dIs- temptingly arranged so that signs to yet stand wayside Inform the motorist that It was a 0 were conveniently con dispensed with by no means alike aUke On winners were The prize contrary almost every ery type trpe was s sit represented the co Is no there of the judges that opinion the Is It t stereotyped stands to be roadside for need conventional On the other hand standardized freakishness or is frankly discouraged For obvious the winner o of the fourth prize might instance ridiculous had bad It been placed d dIn well have been Its California But nut against state New v York In thatched roof of oC dried palm Its low background natural and assisted It to blend leaves was most This principle of harmonizing har har- landscape well with the landscape was considerably with the Rustic Rustle cabins are charmIng charm stress stressed d by the Judges wooded roads but not In the the- thickly Ing alon along can be carried to ex city Labored simplicity quaintness and cleanliness fit well wen But stand won surroundings A log cabin into any of Its artistic arrangement arrangement arrange arrange- because the sixth prize setting This stanis stand stan landscape ment In a 0 rustic rustle Jacques n a young school l Miss Louise is owned by showed a sensitive consciousness con con- girl cirl This young lady of ot stand that would iii 01 of ot the type tangled pines and firs well Needless Into a aback to background say It was of also a 0 very In Inexpensive e construction well stressed by the Judges Is Is' Isn a n point Economy result of or the first com As a 0 of ot these contests proved that charming definitely petition It Is can be built for tor very ery efficient efficient wayside Stands that i it Is Just as os Incidentally sit as s to ond build an nn attractive attractive stand as a 0 Inexpensive drab offensive looking e shack Some Som of the prize prize- winning stands were built for fOl as little as 75 ItIs It ItIs Itis Is possible that one of the great obstacles that would be encountered by those with a broader civic responsibility would be in Impressing upon proprietors of roadside oases that the difference between a thing of beauty and a thing of horror is not to be be measured In dollars and cents In 1 short not in expense of ot the pocket but in expense expense expense ex ex- pense of ot taste Conspicuous among th the evidences of good taste that the Judges of the first competition held up to approval wa was the discreet distribution of advertising advertising adver- adver Using mn matter ter In no case did a prize winner flaunt posters or signs of great magnitude A simple shingle with the ame of the stand painted thereon seemed to suffice for those whose sense sense of ot beauty and fitness had created stands of ot sufficient suf- suf sufficient suf sut- distinction to carry off awards In this case the selectivity of the Judges may well serve as a well advised advised criticism of ot modern display methods as applied to some of our rural refreshment refreshment refresh refresh- ment booths Alan Bement director of the Art Centre of ot New York remarked recently In his talk to the Worcester Women's club We have no idea that building a few stands or the offering of ot a few prizes Is going to do eve everything but if we can get all the people In the United States to thinking about this over a 0 period of two or three years we will make the kind of ot public opinion that will react against the bad stands The art director Is la sponsoring sound psychology Public opinion that elusive e but very potent quality can be recast overnight If It a sufficient number of ot front page headlines are hurl d at the reader or If It a n sufficient sufficient I clent number number of radio speakers hold forth at length on a given ghen subject or oven If It a popular I song Is written anent a certain theme But the opinion so rapidly metamorphosed Is equally liable li- li li liable able to sudden cudden reversal or languishing death The public opinion that counts is the result of ot personal personal personal per per- experience Get the people to use their eyes says In substance Mr Bement and their critical faculties will wUl slowly begin to benefit Whet Whether er this applies to the architectural embellishment embellishment em em- affected by the sellers of hot dogs or the Individuals Individual's choice of ot cravats public opinion opinion ion lon can be he so educated as to distinguish good taste from multicolored burlesque and ond once to flO educated edu edu- educated will forthwith exercise Its privilege of at according according ac ac- ac- ac cording either support or nonsupport Th The Interest In this movement for Improving he the appearances of ot our roadsides Is by no means confined d to the refreshment stand owners them them- selves Immediately the announcement of these competitions was made public a large number of ot both Individuals and corporations came forward to offer their felicitations and their op co The work Is now firmly with firm supporters sup sup- porters who ubo look forward to seeing results In a n short time of their enterprise and assistance Tho The first competition showed definitely that there are area areo a o gre great t many people Interested In the purpose and a great many wayside stand owners anxious us to take pride in the appearance of their establish establish- ments Th The second competition will go further and lay the groundwork for tor a definite plan of ot building bunding more attractive stands throughout the country by offering substantial prizes for tor architectural architectural archi arch I. I drawings of practical and attractive stands Ten prizes are being offered for two types of refreshment stand plans one type being of ot the stand wl which is simply a n r refreshment freshment booth the theother theother other type being of a combined stand and gasoline filling tilling station Five Fhe drawings or plans of ea each h type will be selected by the jud Judges cs making In iii aUten all aU allten allten ten awards which shall shaH range from the first prize of ot GOO downward As with the first romped competition tion economy of construction will be an important factor T Those drawings whIch will In the most satisfactory manner combine charm and efficiency with inexpensiveness will be the choie of ot th the Judges This must be he practical and economical neat and sensible But above ull all they mu must t bean te be tean an adornment and Dud not a blot on the landscape |