Show Two Most Powerful of ot European Enemies oj of League eague of Nations 1 I By PROF GILBERT MURRAY HURRAY English Lecturer S The nations are very absurd in their suspicions of one another r. r Each one until it iti learns better thinks all Europeans s ls are dishonest The un- un traveled Englishman or Frenchman thinks thinks' exactly the same of Ameri Ameri- cans The remedy is simply to get to know one me another Take Mr Houg Houghton He Ile was ambassador in Berlin for some years year s. s I do not know what he thought about Germans before but when he got to know them he found they were all right He only tho thought of England England England Eng Eng- land and France as desperate characters Now he has haa been i. i a year or so 80 I in England and he finds we are arc all right I I only wish he had taken the trouble to study the league at close quarters then he w would uld have known that the league was all right right and anc far more right than either England or France or any any other country but people suggest there are hidden bidden hands at work and secra secret influences Probably there are The league has two enemies in Europe one is js Russia which here had hac little influence The other is Mussolini and from the tone of certain Fascist newspapers it s seems ems likely that Mussolini was doing the l league ague what harm he could Apart from that I know nothing ng very sinister The Vatican would probably have been glad to see three strongly Roman Catholic countries established on the c council uncil The French press was openly in favor of oi Poland as as' a permanent member Poland is a close ally of France and the ordinary Frenchman still cherishes an excessive but not altogether an unintelligible distrust of Germany They know Germany must become a permanent member of the council council coun coun- cil and it gave them a feeling of comfort that Poland should be made one at the same time Great Britain which might perhaps ps by greater eater firmness have nipped these stupid proposals in the bud was was weak over over- Il 1 conciliatory and anxious not to press her own wn view too hard Bard I II I I |