Show u o VERNAL MAN IAN STARTS COYOTE IvAn FARM Henry of Vernal Verral will vill add another Industry to the activities of or orthe I time the the Uintah basin fir Mr Williams recently purchased trapped two eighteen young oung coyotes cootes more and intends to increase this number by October I 1 l' l to and then begin operating a coyote fur farm Tho The farm will toe Abe located iii in in a box call canyon on six Ix lx miles northwest of or Vernal Vernal Vernal Ver Ver- nal three of or the walls forming an Insurmountable barrier to everything without wings Across the mouth of oC the canyon he has constructed a high fence There is a good demand for fOl coyote fur lur and Mr Williams expects expects ex ex- to make a profitable business out of his coyote farm Carm |