Show BASIN RAIL PERMIT I HEARING REARING ENDS Counsel for fol Stilt Salt Lake and Denver and D. D S R. R G. G W. W to Fi File Fitt cIs With ith Commission in 60 00 Days the application He Hearing ring in int the application of or the Salt Lake and Denver railroad fo for permission to through the Uintah basin to Colorado which opened Monday July 27 before the interstate commerce commission at i Salt Lake closed late Thursday I night Counsel for the applying roa road l' l land and the Denver Rio Grande Western Western West Vest Vestern ern one time applicant for perm permission permission ison is- is sion on to construct a branch line from I Soldier Summit Summit to Vernal are to tofile tofile file hie within sixty days briefs with the interstate commerce commission it was ruled by Henry C. C Hall commissioner commissioner commissioner com com- missioner who presided at the hear hear- ing Alexander Berger of Maryton Va president of the Salt Lake and Denver Dener Denver Den Den- ver er railroad declared on the witness stand that under conditions as presented presented presented pre pre- at this hearing he was convinced convinced convinced con con- vinced the road road could be financed Mr 11 Berger told the hearing bearing he was holder cf of securities in the Denver Rio Grande Western Vestern the Missouri Pacific the Moffat tunnel and a member member mem mem- ber bel of r the bondholders' bondholders protective committee named to supervise affairs lu In l' l the p e receivership of the Denver Salt Lake Lak road with which the Salt Sall Lake and Denver proposed line will wiIl Join at Craig Colo When it became known that Mr 11 Berger Derger was a holder of securities in inthe inthe inthe the Denver Rio Grande Western Vestern Counsel McAllister representing that road at the hearing asked him if he lie had consulted President J. J S. S Pyeatt on the matter of at building the road Mr 11 Berger sad he had And you didn't go in on Mr 11 Pyeatt's suggestion the counsel queried d No was the reply Mr Ir Pyeatt is a pessimist st. Mr 11 Berger said he had broached through correspondence two parties whom he lie did not care to name either of whom alone could build tho the road and in their reply both were favorable to the general proposition of building a road Into the Uintah basin to connect with the Moffat line at Craig Mr Ir Berger declared his willingness while on the stand to lead off with a subscription o of f toward underwriting construction Lion tion of the road Two Two years ears was expressed by Mr Berger as a reasonable time for construction construction construction con con- of or the proposed une line |