Show How to Poison Grasshoppers 1924 in 1924 By J. J W. W Yo Carlson Deputy Pes Pest t Inspector There is ample evidence e d from the experienc o of previous years ears to show that thai ory we-amer we fa favors ors the su successful hatching 0 of grasshopper og eg s 's s aa l tho the subsequent development of or these jl pests pest I livery Every ery farmer should make an au e examination of the banks or of t S. caste asto lands fence rO row 1 and md any fier place su surrounding roun ln- ln his Ilis fa farm farri rl wl eie the soil is hare hara rna iI nary try cry andaas and amI aas a been left uy by rani CUU sating implements It IP it n in n such places that tho the eggs egg of or last years year's hoppers were laid anti and Jul where hert the young oung ones of this years year's brood will appear All ready I many of them them have hatched and and andare n are becoming very active Now is the tithe time to ro n ri to poison the gras grasshoppers while they are yet near their breeding grounds and have bave not migrated on t to the he grain and amid alfalfa fields Grasshoppers when first hatched batched closely resemble their parents except except except ex ex- they ther they they-do do not b have ve wings Tho They are however ho er very active and are able ble to hop almost utmost Immediately upon emergence from the eg egg I It t takes les from 60 to lays dayS a s for tor the young oung grasshoppers to grow to maturity ma ma- maturity and develop wings During this period of its young oung life is Js t the tho o obest best time for the farmer to attack the grasshopper It cannot then es escape escape escape es- es cape destruction by flying Hying to untreated untreated un un- treated fie fields ds as they often do upon t becoming mature maturo They must re remain remain re- re main where tho they are re and eat of or t the le I food with which they ar are surround I ed This should In hi part consist of or generous I generous supply of grasshopper grasshopper polI Pot poi I I son It requires only ono halt half as nu much poison to kill a grasshopper in inthe the young stage as when it Is ma ma- Do not wait a It for the hoppers to begin begin begin be be- gin devouring cloy your crops before taking measures to destroy them Find them in their breeding places and begin feeding them the time bait bal as 38 given ghen below The following formula Is recommended recommended mended by the time Utah experiment station and the Ule state board of agrIculture agriculture agriculture agri agrI- culture for 1924 It is based on the experience of the past seasons in Utah and the surrounding states From Flom this table it is ver very easy to calculate the time exact amount needed of the various ingredients Materials for about 5 acres 6 G ounces ounces sodium 1 ounce am amyl l acetate 2 gallon t molasses 1 pound fine salt 2 gallons 2 water 20 pounds bran for about 25 acres 1 quart sodium 3 ounces amyl acetate 2 21 gallons molasses molasses molasses mo mo- lasses 5 pounds fine salt 9 to 11 gallons water vater pounds bran Stir these liquids together and nl add the bran Sawdust may be used to r replace rr the he bran in h a bait Lait or ma may Tie lIe ue v ith it half and halt half by measure neasure Lot b by This has given good bood results result and should l bs a IU us d d r hen bran is s I spruce scarce The bait s should 1 always alwa's Be ne 1 Il fJ tt Le a evening i I e it is to h bj used and ml then co ered co Toyed and allowed to toland toland I E land until This n st I Ito to permit time the bran or sawdust to thoroughly absorb the poison In Inthe Inthe Inthe the morning when the begin to leave the stems where they have spent the the night and to to feed or otherwise be scatter I the Ule bait among them and the they will eat of or it greed greedily r. r The bait when mixed according to this formula should sow and amI l I Inot not fall Call in lumps In this way Yay there will be no danger of poisoning tur tur- turkeys turkeys keys or other animals Farmers should not be discouraged if it the grasshoppers do not drop arop dead im immediately m- m mediately upon eating the poison polson as asit asit asit it usually takes from front one to five days day for the full effect o of the poison to become apparent Duchesne county has purchased large quantities of or sodium and amyl a acetate which may now be had at cost at any of the drug drugstores drugstores drugstores stores in Roosevelt Myton l and Du chesne Bran and molasses molasses molasses mo mo- lasses have also been purchased and may be obtained at the 1 plants lants of the J. J G. G Seed Co Occidental Seed Seed Co Uintah Basin Bashi Seed Growers Grow- Grow ers eis association and at any of or the flour mills These companies compan cs are operating co with the farmers and the county In Inthe Inthe the the control of noxious weeds and amid pests of agriculture and are renderIng rendering rendering render render- ing their services free of or charge I The local papers are also cooperating co i i ing in that they give free rree space in In their columns for announcements and Information on any pests that threaten our agricultural interests Farm bureau locals Indian agency commercial interests and citizens in lii general let us all work worl together operatively co-operatively and amI as in individuals individuals in- in in eradicating the pests that threatens our profits and prosperity prosperity pros pros- peril in the basin The agricultural inspector is al always always al- al 1 ways ready to respond to calls for assistance in the mixing of or bait or expert advise relative to cont control ol measures or to be of or general assistance assistance assist assist- ance amice to the citizens o 0 or Duchesne county count either as individuals or as organizations 0 p |