Show C Countless antless Pleas One Offered red redI i I for lor Planks in PlatForm Martin B. B Madden of ot Illinois who was an important member of ot the committee committee com corn on resolutions figures out that spokesmen and spokeswomen of nearly nearly nearly near near- ly Americans made pleas for tor platform planks Madden says heis he ii is forced to the conclusion therefore that about one ono out of ot three of ot Uncle Sam Sams children Is Interested in at least leasta a trio of ot outstanding public issues The women the churches organized j I L labor th the colored race the Filipinos the drys the wets the kl the thc klansmen anti the high tariff folks and the low tariff folks the proponents proponents proponents nail and the opponents of ot nearl nearly cyer cy every ev cv- er cry ery ism that federal flesh Is heir to constituted the on whose alleged behalf platform favors werft sought S The keynote kenote prayer is one of the convention innovations that Cleveland Introduced Almost every one of ot the distinguished clergymen who opened proceedings with an invocation lapsed perhaps subconsciously Into poll political supplication on |