Show Store Abundant Supply of Ice for Next Summer In those thoe sect sections ons of the country where natural Ice can be harvested every very da dairyman ryman should make preparations to store an abundant supply for next summer Ice Is extremely desirable desir desirable desirable able In n fact almost necessary In the production and marketing of high quality milk and cream Proper co cool coolIng coolIng l. l Ing and cold storage on the farm Is the greatest single factor Influencing the bacterial content of milk between the time It leaves the cow ow and the time It reaches the consumer At least 1 tons of f l Ice per co con o should be stored This will coos cool the milk allow for and provide provide de a margin for household uses I Ice ponds should be built If no river or lake Is available Water us used d for forIce forIce forIce Ice making should be of unquestioned purity Old Ice ponds should be cleared of vegetable matter matter ant and refuse lu in preparation for the coming harvest Farmers' Farmers Bulletin u letin 1078 d deals als with harvesting and storing Ice iceon on the farm It can be secured securer by writing the Dairy Division United States Department Derailment of Agriculture ure Washington |