Show l 1 f I tse CALUMET Tho The Economy BAKING POWDER the next time you bake give bake give ilL it ii Just one honest and m One test in your own kitchen will prove to you that there is a abig a J big difference between Calumet jl and any other brand that brand that for uniform and wholesome baking baking bak bak- I I ing it has no equal I Bet a. g A Standard External Remedy of ef f known value safe safe and effective Its It's the the original and gennine gen gen- nine porous plaster Adv Eat what you like but dont don't eat too much of It D DEMAND MAND BAYER ASPIRIN Take Tako Tablets Without Fear If f You See Seo the Safety Bayer Cross Croe Warning I Unless you you see the name Bayer ner on package or on on tablets you are Bre not getting the tile genuine g Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for tor 23 yean yearL Say Bayer when you ou buy Aspirin Imitations m may y prove dangerous Adr I The only dang danger ex In frIends friendship IP Is that It will end 1 Why Doctors W Warn am Against Coffee or i. i Tea for Children THE HE reason is simple Coffee and tea contain A i. drugs which tend to irritate the delicate nervous system of children and so 50 upset health j I The Federal Bureau of Education includes in its rules to o promote health among growing 5 I. I t. t S school children the warning that children S S should not drink tea or coffee at all alt Why confine the warning to children S S SS S You are careful to protect the health of your v. v L S children why then take chances with your own 5 health when a change from coffee offee or tea tea is made so easy by E is a delicious pure cereal beverage beverage- ideal for children and satisfying to adults t P a I S for Health S S Theres 1 a Reason ReasonS S i Your go grocer sells In la S two forms forma Instant f in in tins prepared instantly y In DEAL the cup by the addition of S S I boiling water Cereal I in packages for those who rh 1 prefer the flavor brought out AJ vi v i ff t I S by Y boiling fully 20 minutes l The cost of either form is r about one half cent a cup Sold s by grocers everywhere S Salt Lake City Firms Finns To prompt erTi W to these advertisement rotation th the n nam m of this paper A BARBER DARDER IN EIG EIGHT T WEEKS St. St S S. 1 U L. Regent Write Moler Molar Darer Barker Co Col Co 11 BUSINESS COLLEGES vve L. L D. D S. S BUSINESS COLLEGE branches commercial All School 01 of Eff Efficiency ncy w C Salt L Lake Lab lc Catalog free fre free 60 N. N Main St. St BOOKS AND STO mall e C. 0 D DS B BOOKS Any book you OU want want-by S So t nook Co East S yn I i I FUKS FUHS for f tun 1 price FU FURS RS hides We pay and highest pelts market Write for or We price can list makeup make or cr ship t to n a reliable house o cr Iother hides Into robes robe furs Ad our up our write tor other oIlier fur American Hide Fur Co Furriers Tanners Sell South Temple Veat SONGS S MUSIC n music by t ShOOt Sheet kinds and old All neW S SCREAM SONGS lusic mail COD CREAM W ANTED DIRECT oJ MOle Moat Direct Cream Shill unu PaT Pal I end a Corolla trial can CaI o V CLASS PINS M When In need Dont forget us os LASS ASS PI it rs We wake Iry EJ Mfg Jeweler US Main UPS IES Co Books Catalo Minstrels OP Operas II I Costumes Io for Masquerades U Say it With Flowers Flowers i I Fresh Cut Flowers at nl All Times I Shop Hobday's Hobday s Flower J S1 Salt Lake I Keith Emporium |