Show GATE CANYON OUTLET OUTLET- Recognizing the obligation to carry carry carry car car- ry out a promise made some time ago to the Bowen Live Stock company company company com com- pany to render some financial ance nce toward towa rd getting r road fixed up which would lead a a. point in to inGate inGate Gate canyon canyon over into the Hill lr creek el country the Price Chamber of Commerce Commerce Com Com- merce Is looking up uJ the m matter to assure that the money as pledged by Price citizens will wUl be properly used ned to bring the benefits as represented to that city Over in the Hill creek district this firm has bas large holdings and In getting hi In supplies fes they are at present using mostly a route from Thompsons over which they must transport II by means of pack animals and this wa wais waIs wa wal walIs Is open only a part of at he year During certain periods when water is low in the tho streams s so they can be bo I forded supplies can be gotten from Cram Watson over on the Uintah railway But both these routes are roundabout roundabout round round- about and difficult With a little work done done- on about twenty miles o of roadway leading off from Gate canyon can canyon canyon can can- yon a good year the road c could uld be made |