Show u 0 FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO AIDIN AIDIN AID AIDIN IN CATCHING SHEEP SHEEl THIEVES At the request of Senator Frank R R. R Gooding the attorney general has instructed the United States tates r.- r. Is and nd district attorneys attorneys tt rne s fu for Idaho Utah and Nevada t to actively cooperate with local officials in running running running run run- ning down and prosecuting thieves who recently have been stealing sheep in those states on a large scale The matter was called to Senator Goodings Gooding's attention by S. S W. W McClure McClure McClure Mc- Mc Clure who telegraphed from Pocatello Pocatello Pocatello Poca- Poca tello stating the thievery is attributed attributed attributed at at- to Basques none of whom have yet been convicted The government h has s a aa special interest inter interest in in- ter terest st in the sheep In the region affected affected af af- af- af because these sheep have been mortgaged to the war finance corporation as security for loans made to their owners and nd If the security security security se se- se- se Is lost the government money is lost also The war finance corporation also has be been n appealed to and 15 Is understood understood understood under under- stood to to have asked for federal aid aidI aidin aidin in apprehending and prosecuting the the- I thieves 0 |