Show Country's Country Farm Population Recent statistics sent out by the census authorities show that the farm population of at the United States Is only a little 1 less 6 than 30 SO SOper per cent of the total This includes farm operators and farm laborers and their families who wha live In the co coun- coun un- un try and shows show an average of ot about five persons to each farm About half the people In the nation natlan are ale classified as rural that rural that Is 18 they live In the country or In towns having fewer fewer few few- er or than 2500 Inhabitants but only 61 01 per c cent nt of ot the rural are actually actual actual- ly 11 engaged In farming fanning Thus 30 p per percent percent r cent of the rural nn-al population and the entire city pOI population must be fed Ced by bythe bythe bythe the men engaged In agriculture It gives the farmer a big Job anI Only a afew afew afew few ago each farmer had to proviSion provision provision pro pro- vision his own o family and one other ather family now non now he hue must furnish food for nearly three other families besides hla hia own His occupation should not tall fall Farm rm Life Lite |