Show Why Rain Causes Cause Pain Persons who suffer from rheumatism maintain that they can foretell an approaching ap preaching storm by the time increasing frequency of their pains pRins and the sharpness sharpness sharp sharp- ness with which the e dart through their body hody says an exchange Often Otten predictions of this sort are attributed at at- to Imagination but they have havea a very solid soUn foundation of truth Th Tb human humn body reacts quickly to changes change of or ah aim pressure because of ot the air In Inthe Inthe the spaces between the cells situated beneath the time skin When the air pressure pressure pres pre sure on the outside of the tile body decreases de le before storm storm- torm- torm cr creases creases RS as It does a R the tho outward pressure In thc those these e cells Increase Increase increase In In- crease and In the case of ot persons persona aut- aut suf- suf fening from rum rheumatism or gout rout causes additional pain pauL An old couplet tle describes the process quite accurately by saying A coming storm your shooting corns presage Your aches wilt will throb your hollow tooth will rn rage e. e |