Show COUNTY HIGH SCHOOLS MAKE i. i GOOD PROGRESS Some opposition was raised last year when it was proposed propose to extend high school opportunities to a larger larger larg larg- er er number of students by discontinuing discontinuing discontinuing two years ears work at Roosevelt and instituting ninth grade work worle in other schools throughout the county county coun coun- ty but the success of the plan during during during dur dur- ing the past year ear has demonstrated the sound Judgment of the board of ot education and the superintendent The number of children thus permitted permit permIt- ted to enjoy the advantages of oc high- high school training was Increased about one and thirty-five thirty per cent or from 70 to Ninth grade work is now taught at Duchesne Myton Altonah and ana Tabiona and ninth and tenth grades at Roosevelt Not only have these advantages been extended to many who could not have enjoyed them under the old system but it has been accomplished accomplish accomplish- ed at an au actual saving to the county over the former plan State appropriations appropriations appropriations to the county for high school purposes will be increased to about 1000 Next year ear the school at Hayden will be operated by Duchesne county coun coun- ty This school is right on the D Du- Du chesne UIntah county line and in the past has been run under the direction direction direction tion of Uintah county with Duch Duchesne county paying its share of the cost I according to the number of pupils from this county which has been about fifty per cent of the school en en- Under the new arrangement arrangement arrangement arrange arrange- ment Uintah county count will now pay to Duchesne county its share of the operating cost The cost of operating the schools during the coming year will be materially materially materially ma ma- redu reduced ed but increased efficiency efficiency efficiency effi effi- is expected Last year it was necessary to employ many uncertified uncertified uncertified un un- un- un certified teachers but this year all teachers employed will have cates A salary schedule has been adopted by which teachers will wilt be bep p paid ld according to their experience and certification This will encourage encourage encourage age teachers to become more com com- One feature of school work in which there is room roona for Jor tor improve improve- is the attendance tte c- c f OTa f ca s school b l population of 2856 the enrollment of 2572 is considered good but the average daily dally was only Ul 1957 which Is Js not what it should be This may be due to a number of causes the the- great distance some of the students are required to travel the long severe winter and sickness but the operation co-operation of parents would go a long way to improve this condition It Is the intention of the s school hool board to make an Inspection tour of all the schools during the summer to see that everything is in order for the opening of school next fall o |