Show S SS CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT S NO 3 5 Proposing to Amend Section 9 of Article VI of the Constitution of Utah Relating to Com pen pen- S of the Members of r the Legislature A A. joint resolution proposing an amendment to Section 9 0 9 of Article VL VT of the Constitution of the State of Utah relating to compensation of f the members of ot th the legislature Be it enacted by ly the Legislature of the State of Utah two thirds of the members elected to each of ot the two houses concurring therein 1 It Is proposed to amend Section 0 9 Article VI of at the constitution lion tion of the State of Utah BO so that the same will read as follows Sec 9 The members of the legislature legis lature shall re receive eive such per diem and nM mileage e as the legislature may provide pro pro- vide side not exceeding eight dollars per pr day and ten cents per mile for the distance necessarily traveled going to and returning from the place of at meetIng meeting meet moot in ing on the most usual route and they shall receive no other pay or per pee Sec 2 2 The secretary of at state fa t. hereby directed to submit this proposed propos ed cd amendment to the electors of th the state at the next general election 1 la Sa lathe the manner provided by law I Sec See 3 If It adopted by the electors elector of oC the state this amendment shall ahall take effect January 1 1 1923 Approved March 17 11 1921 1021 5 |