Show Favors Utah Site For Power lower Plant 4 By Harry J J. J Brown Senators King of Utah Ashurst and Cameron of oC Arizona and Nicholson Nichol Nichol- son Bon of Colorado at an informal con- con frence determined to resist the effort being made by bp Senator Johnson of California to have the government build the first power dam In the Colorado river at Boulder canyon on the Nevada-Arizona Nevada line These senators Intend to bring influence to have the first dam constructed either at Lees Ferry Ariz just below below below be be- low the Utah line or at one of the favorable sites in Utan Government engineers who ha have been studying the tho power possibilities of the Colorado river have haTe rep reported Lees Ferry as an ideal location ft fur fura r ra a large power plant They also report report report re re- re- re port favorably on sites on the Green river below Vernal just above the town of Green River niver and on the I f Colorado just below the junction of Green and Grand rivers Any of these four sites could supply supply supply sup sup- ply power in large quantity not only to Utah but to Colorado and northern northern northern north north- ern Arizona as well The Boulder canyon dam on the other hand while costing many times as much muchas as the proposed dams higher upstream upstream upstream up up- stream would mainly benefit California Call Call- fornia it Is said and would not furnish furnish furn furn- ish power to Utah or to Colorado and very little to Arizona Moreover engineers of the federal power commission commission commission com com- mission have advised the protesting senators that the Boulder canyon canyondam canyondam dam Is capable of developing much more power than can b be marketed at this time or for many years to come and would represent a maximum initial Initial initial ini Ini- outlay with no return on the Investment investment investment in in- In- In vestment for two or three decades Utah Site Desired Senator King is especially anxious to see development at atone one of the Utah sites or at Lees Ferry because any of those localities could furnish abundant cheap power for use at Marysvale in developing the mountains mountains moun moun- of alunite which r represent represent a large source of supply of bath aluminum aluminum aluminum alu alu- minum and potash fertilizer The building up in Utah of the aluminum and fertilizer however Is dependent wholly upon cheap Dower DowerIn ow r rIn In the conference of senators awas It a was disclosed that large quantities presumably the Phelps Phelps- Dodge company stand ready to develop develop develop de de- power at their own expense without government am ala either eUner at Lees Ferry or at one of th s Utah sites There can be no government project project project pro pro- for the development of of- ow wr ver r In Jn I Colorado river until congress makes the necessary authorization and provides provides provides pro pro- vides the appropriation and in view of the enormous cost of the Boulder canyon project it is thought there wll wil be considerable opposition when Senator Johnsons Johnson's bill is bro brought up The Southern California Edison company has made filings with the federal power commission covering Lees Ferry and reservoir and there are other filings in that vicinity The Utah Power Light I company has filings on the two sites mentioned in the abOe dispatch on Green river and here too other filIngs filings fil ill ings tugs may have haT claims to recognition Some ome question has been raised as to the nature of the proposed damsite dam- dam site Bite at the junction of the Green river riv- riv riv river er with the Colorado formerly known as the Grand river Engineers for the Un United ed States geological survey headed by E. E C. C La Rue of ot the water resources branch of ot the survey Arthur P. P Davis director of the United States reclamation service R. R E. E Caldwell state engineer of Utah and member of the Colorado river commission Dr John A. A Widtsoe as familiar with the Colorado river problem and Clarence C. C Stetson secretary of UT thA commission and also secretary to Secretary of Commerce Commerce H. H C C. Hoover chairman of the commission are now on a trip down the dorado river from Halls Crossing to Lees Ferry a distance of ot miles They The are accompanied by an engineer of the Southern California Edison compan com com- pany pan Sites Investigated One of the announced intentions of t the e engineers on this trip particularly particularly particularly the federal is to investigate in investigate In- In more fully possible dam dam- sites eltes on the tho Colorado river In the mile mlle 8 section covered In th the trip On the river the Boulder canyon site Is la about miles below thata that t a p at Lees ees Ferry By air line the distance distance distance dis dis- dis- dis tance Is la about miles A tension high-tension power line would probably approximate somewhat closely airline distances By air airline airline line Une Marysvale the center center of the alunite Industry referred to in the dispatch is about miles from Lees Ferry and miles from Boulder It Is about miles mUes from the site described in the dispatch near the junction of oC tie cue le Green and the Grand and by air line from Salt Lake Is miles away Salt Lake is already receiving power from the Bear river plants of the Utah Power Light company approximately approximately approximately ap ap- ap- ap proximately the same distance away as Marysvale is from Lees Ferry Limit Not Reached Electrical engineers say they do not believe that the liml limn C oJ of distant power may be transmitted economically has been reached It ItIs Itis Itis is described as largely a matter ot of construction and of ot the voltage car car- ried S Salt l t Lake Lake Lake-by b by fr frUh Uh is a s miles from Boulder canyon and about miles mUes from Lees Ferry Should feasible feasible fea fea- sible sable power sites b be developed between between between be be- tween Halls Crossing and Lees Ferry on the present trip of federal engineers engineers engineers engi engi- they would bring the source of power slightly closer to Salt L Lake ke Halls Crossing Crossing- being Dy by T y air line some miles away The Minnie Maud site probably meant in the above dispatch as that south of Vernal Vernal Vernal Ver Ver- nal is abut nines miles by air line from Salt Lake the Rattlesnake site kite north of the town of Green Riv Riv- River er is about miles away and the Green river junction site some miles by air from Salt Lake Halls Crossing is about miles from Marysvale 0 0 |