Show CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS The Tho last legislature proposed three ne new constitutional amendments to oe voted on at the COWIng coming election el Two of these are proposed to raise more taxes and probably they both boll should hould be defeated The tax controls commis ion don which was also created last Iasi for the tha th purpose of or devising vats Nays and means to raise rase r more ta taxes fazes es 3 s J banking on the people voting IL ii favor of oC the Income tax this fall They W want the people tr tc pay pay a a property tax and then If they the nake hake a thousand dollars or more j I they are to pay a tax on that I I income after they have bave already paira pale pair I a tax on the property from Crom that income came They are ever proposing that every overy citizen of or thi th I state slate shall file a report of or his income and anti If It his Income Is too low loo to be taxed then he must must musi pay a dollar to file his report show show- jig ug that chat he is not subject to an In Income come coins tax and this will require lot tot t- t ot of of tax agents and Inquisitors am nits alts at law to force the people tt tl pay more taxes and to compel them to report Mr Bullock a a Harvan expert is telling the tax all ll about ti U. He Is a college exper expel and und supposedly a wise man Proba uly oy is bt but t his wisdom seems to Lo IK ht to o discover ways and means to In iii Increase crease the taxes Have you looker u 1 the laws aws of the legislature for lor the thi ast session and If It so did you ou fin fior here v they repealed a single law o 0 any my kind Probably the former leg let legIslature legislature was as shortsighted as that thaI too Cut But there was a law or that t vt t hat that the n necessity for repeal was c r great that it smelled to tu nigh Heaves heaven and was forcibly brought to the attention at at- attention of the legislature and t refused refused refused re re- fused to repeal It The s were intent on passing more needless legislation They created t tho ht ta tax commission law and appropriated approprIate for the purpose of li li rising ii-rising ways and means to increase the th 99 taxes axe hue me expert Prof Bullock has been there talking it II over with the commission nho ho pope peo people pea po p pe e are tired of more boards nd here bere Is a scheme schem to get more machinery machinery machinery ma ma- chinery in the sl shape o of boards to pay salaries to after the people arc are hoodwinked into passing the the- proposed propos- propos ud ed constitutional The Tle other day they lla naJ nad a primary ilc i Ic ct on up In John Jelin W W. WHay Hay lIay was running agal against lS Carey for the nomination fo for govern or Both were candidates on thE Hie Republican primary ticket Hay was running on a Uck ticket t for fled government and against 1 b b ards and he won ovens oven oven ever aver Governor Carey They are ue having tile the same trouble with boar boards board J h it Wyoming that hat we are having n u 11 Utah and the same grief The ta taa eaters aters and theorists are ate never sa satis Us Red led until they get a knockout Sonic SOllie people seem to think that If It the these theories come from a expert from Harvard Haryard college then l t lIs it its Is s beyond criticism Possibly this expert can collect this extra exir mone rom from rom the taxpayers taxpayers- from the stata state sc rc and that It sill rill be bo a a. pleasure to va pay a half nillion dollars more on top top of or the axes that they already cannot pay par Tarl arl Marx wrote three large books 0 o prove his views of ot economics enunciated principally in Ion n Me Ue surplus alue theory and he was was entirely vron In hi his his' fundamentals and yet 10 jo Is more famous amous than this expert rom rom Harvard and find It probably n never ver dawned upon this expert that he too nay be wrong as he certainly Is in tome lome of ot his theories Instead of r treating a a board to d devise vl e w ways ys and means to collect more taxes from the I people the legislature might have treated a n board to devise ways and to cut down expenses and and axes and still have enough money o properly run a good state govern- govern nent and protect the tho schools and oads They never nover thought of or that hey were Intent on figuring to icet teet the propaganda of ot the various tight salaried and expensive boards The people be bo da damned ed said Van Van- u. u A. A II IL |