Show Tariff Subject t for for- Politicians Schedule 11 II Trouble-Maker Trouble BY ARTHUR CRAWFORD Just as K of the Payne Payne- Aldrich law proved a trouble trouble- trouble maker for the Republicans the Fordney- Fordney McCumber bill wool schedule known as schedule No 11 is furnishing camp campaign ign material for Cor the Democrats and keeping the majority party spokesmen n busy making The rhe senate and house conferees are confronted d with the alternative of adopting the house duty auty of or 25 cents a pound of oC clean content on raw wool thereby incurring the hostility hostility hostility hos hos- of the tho agricultural element or accepting tho the senate duty of 33 cents a pound of clean content thus assuring easy sailing nor the me bill in bringing do down n upon the Republican party the wrath of the consumers of the c on account of the bugaboo of Increased clothing prices The wool schedule In its final form presumably will be satisfactory to the wool growing states of the far west and to the eastern manufacturers of or woolen goods There is dynamite in inthe inthe inthe the situation for the party party party par par- ty in the attitude of the middle west ind nd the consuming classes in other sections of the country Because of the higher duties on raw wool the compensatory rates o on woolen manufacture are greater In Inthe Inthe Inthe the senate bill than in the house bill billand end and slightly higher than in to the Payne Aldrich law The ad valorem Julies on woolen manufactures which represent tho protection given the e manufacturing Industry on top of oC the compensatory specific duties are less In the senate than thanin thanin in ill the Payne-Aldrich Payne law although greater on their faces than the American America valuation rates of or the house bill The total total protection given tho manufactures in pIe the senate bill according to the Republican senators senators senators sena- sena tors who framed it Is a little less than in the th Payne Aldrich p y Aldrich e-Aldrich duties this increase being estimated as high as 83 per cent The effect of the new duties upon the price of clothing has become a matter of ot heated controversy Leading Leading Leading Lead Lead- ing clothing manufacturers of the country have sent out notices that the proposed 33 cent 33 ent duty will mean an increase of about 4 in the retail price of ot an ordinary suit of clothes and of ot about in the he price of ot otan an overcoat In making these statements the the- clothing interests are careful not to toI I I emphasize the fact that their comparisons comparisons compa comp are with the Underwood law lawin lawin lawin in which wool was on the free tree list rather rattier than ith the emergency tariff rates now in effect which which are higher high high- er than In the Payne-Aldrich Payne law lawand lawand lawand and in the case of ot some grades above those of the senate bill bilI The clothing clothing clothing cloth cloth- ing manufacturers' manufacturers estimates of ot the total cost of the proposed duty to the ultimate consumer are somewhat higher than those of ot th the tariff commission commission commission com com- mission which says that the cent 33 dut duty 1 If reflected in the price of ot the wool will mean an added cost to the consumer of from to on ona a suit of ot clothes and from to on an overcoat These figures allow a 10 per cent profit for the cloth maker a 15 per cent profit for forthe forthe forthe the clothing manufacturer and a 50 60 per cent profit for Cor the retailer The cent 33 duty on a a- a pound of raw wool according to the tariff commission commission commis commis- sion amounts to 10 93 cents by the time it reaches the cons consumer merIt mer It 0 |