Show How Clouds Cloud Are Colored f The color of ot a cloud depends on th the th menn manner r in which the sunlight falls tall r t upon it and the position of the ver It will be noticed that high clouds are always alwaY's white white or light In color and this is because the tho light by which they are lre seen Been is reflected from the under surface by the numberless drops of ot moisture which go o to form the cloud Heavy rain clouds on the other hand are found much nearer the earth and so the light falls alls on th them m more directly from above giving a silver all sil ver lining to the cloud though the tho under unI under un- un I I der surface Appears black owing to tot toi t i t the complete reflection and absorption I of the light by the upper layers Seen f l i from above by an observer in a ball balI balloon bal bal- loon the blackest rain clouds appear I of the most brilliant white r |