Show TUNNEL LET Upper Blue Benchers Ratify Action Of Board of Directors r At the annual election annual election of directors of the Upper Blue Bench Irrigation district Tuesday T T. T M. M Sweatman was was elected from the second precinct and D. D M. M Todd director from the third M. M B. B Pope ape represents the first The confirmation confirmation- of the contract of building the 2900 foot 2900 foot tunnel by O. O H. H Robinson at cost of was ratified by a five to one note Under the terms of the contract which is dated December 6 1915 work must be commenced within ten days and completed by May 1 1917 1911 The contract means a price of 19 a foot the contractor to furnish every thing Payment is to be paid 10 per cent in n cash and 90 per cent in district bonds at par He is under undera a bond of for faithful performance of the work and acid terms of the contract |