Show j Write te an an editorial said said the e pub publisher lisher o of the he Tibet Courier Co rier r t to o o. his edi editorial tori tw writer iter about the disgrace e of ofa oft a t Prof Scott Nearing's dismissal Sa Say Y i that free utterance is necessary to toJ tor J r growth and to independent think i that it it is as necessary as a free press and ought ough-i ough to be as common common 1 r But said said the editorial writer of of the Tibet Courier I iI thiu a a certain amo amount nt of dogma is necessary B Bo- Bo sides we h haven't vent a rr free press SS in Tibet Tibet Tibet Ti Ti- bet and you YO you know it We V e h hYe have Ye yelled the publisher publish r Go ahead head and 1 wr writs write t what I 1 tell te tell you ou Who Vho owns this this paper you paper you paper you or r New I-New iT New 11 New York Tork T Tribune 0 |