Show URGES MEASURES TO END HORRORS UNITED STATES INTERCESSION ON BEHALF OF ARMENIANS SUGGESTED BY BRYCE Former British Ambassador to the the- United States Believes American Government Should Stop D Destroying De D. Hand of Turks London Viscount Viscount Bryce formerly British ambassador to the United States has sent to the Associated Press a plea that America tr try to stop the slaughter of Armenians The civilized world he says in his plea especially America ought to know bow know what horrors have been passing In Asiatic Turkey duri during g the last few months for If anything can stop the destroying hand of the Turkish government government gov gov- It will be an expression of the opinion of neutral nations chiefly the judgment of humane America Soon after the war broke out between between between be be- tween Turkey and the allies continues continues continues contin contin- ues the viscount the Turkish government government gov- gov formed and since has been carrying out with relentless cr cruelty a a p plan an for extirpating Christianity by killing off Christians of the Armenian race Accounts from different sources agree that over oyer the whole of eastern and northern Asia Minor Minor and Armenia Armenia Ar Ar- menia the Christian pol population is beIng beIng being be be- ing deliberately exterminated the themen themen themen men of ot military age being killed and the younger women seized for TurkIsh TurkIsh Turkish Turk Turk- ish har harems ms compelled to become Mo Mo- and kept with children In virtual slavery The rest of the Inhabitants inhabitants inhabitants old women men and children have been driven under convoy of or Turkish soldiers into unhealthy parts of Asia Minor some to the deserts between Syria and the Euphrates |