Show I I I. I 0 e. e b Date ate on 5 c cia I. I ism i I BErn BETWEEN EEN T. T D. D M Ord rd I. I A. A I I i i I I I 1 REPLY TO HOLLENBECK Far be it from me to give san santion sane tion ion to irrational and immoral practice It is fundamental with Socialists that to inherit or to steal or to win wealth by ly any form orm of gambl gambling ng is immoral Socialists dont don't believe in folks getting jetting something for nothing They believe every man should get what is in equity and good conscience justly due him what him what h he merits merits no no more and no less Surely Mr 1 Hollenbeck will do himself the credit of admitting that when I pointed out that men men acquire a working capital by inheritance inheritance inheritance in in- and by y theft I was merely e exposing conditions as they e exist not with the idea of those conditions but with the thought of having them modified It is Mr 1 H who defends defends defends de de- de- de fends the evil conditions of which I complain C Consistently enough he contends that my statements statements statements state ments of those conditions are both irrational and immoral Wherein lies the irrationality and immorality In telling the truth about things as they are or pernicious practice practice practice tice Did I not outline clearl clearly T enough enough enough en en- ough the question at issue If somebody can tell us how to succeed in any other way in the business world than by getting a control of capital let us hear what it is is' Mr H H- H Hhas has admitted admitted ad ad- that the control of capital cap capi capital capi- capi tal is the only way to succeed in ina ina ina a big way in business but he takes exception to my statement statement state tate ment that th re are but three ways in which to get a control of capital We Weare are deeply concerned concern concern- ed in that question if we are ambitious to succeed under present present present pres pres- ent conditions Let Mr H H- H Hin inform inform inform in in- form us As I Summarize Mr H s H-'s s 's thought after admitting by implication implication im im- m- m what I have said about borrowing inheriting and stealing stealing stealing steal steal- ing capital he takes my hint asto as asto asto to a fourth way Save your pennies I assume that Mr H Hhas Hhas Hhas H- H has been willing to follow his own advice To me there occur r First it is impracticable sec- sec two very serious objections ond and it is immoral As to its imi imri im- im ri i a 13 i i some of us have tried it out It is like telling the cold and hungry Be ye warmed land land filled But remember we we are talking about the chance our your boys have to succeed in a abig abig abig big way in business as some few have succeeded How did they do it Are they any better edu- edu Gated than our own boys or more more honest or more industrious ous or more capable We Vie want wantI I I to know know the key As to its immorality immorality im- im 1 morality it is as wrong to cheat I l ourselves as it is to cheat our neighbor We are arc morally bound Ito to live Jive like white whito folks even I. I though the cost of living lying be high The lowering of the standard of living is essentially I immoral We have no right to toI I deny our ourselves elves good food and and sanit sanitary ry living conditions It is our duty to seek culture and refining re re- fining s. s In order r. r to sue suc teed in life we should not be compelled to live like peons I Others who succeed in a big way dont don't do it neither shall we Bu it is strange that Mr H has not been able to sugg suggest st sta a fifth and a sixth wa way in m which to toi secure a control of capital Several other ways occur to me but they are impracticable And from my observation capitalism is highly impracticable for most of us We trust some light will willbe willbe be shed on the subject how our boys boys' educated and ambitious boys may succeed It may be that many good things in capitalism capitalism capi- capi have escaped my Let there be light I I t I am a Socialist and I am ambitious ambitious ambitious am am- as are all Socialists i I net only for myself but for the race I would that our college graduates were ambitious beyond measure I would that they should be Captains of Industry I gas as as they deserve to be or find out 1 It the he hem reason why not I would not m have them content or anyone any I one one else content to be mere wage slaves all their lives But I Ilour lour our capitalistic friends dont don't want that we should be ambi ambi- They dont don't want that we I should find th the true key to success success suc sue cess for success to the many I means less success to the few It Itis is a mere matter of addition of-addition and I subtraction But we demand to the ke key T and to use it Access Access Ac- Ac i Ac-i cess to and control of capital j should be as free as air and bathing bathing bathing bath bath- ing water and a mans man's success should be limited only by his ambition and his capability not by la lack k of access to capital the capital the tool of production Now l let t us pay our respects to the axioms of Mr H the mere statement of which is all the proof necessary necessary Here is isone isone one all the money he an honest capable farmer wanted for his business would be loaned him as a matter of course What is the matter with our farmers in the Indian country I and elsewhere Oh says Mr H they are not honest and andey hey ey are not capable I dont don't believe it In Salt Lake as elsewhere it is the rule that noman no noman noman man however Honest or capable can borrow money at a bank i without giving amply security or getting the endorsement of influential influential influential I friends and he doesn't al always always al- al I ways get it then Would that Mr Hs H's axiom were not self- self evidently false Morgan l in his time life-time said the banks gave credit on character charac charac- I ter What kind of character i 1 j It is the crooked man w who has I and uses pulls The man higher high high- er up needs the crook in his business business busi busi- ness but the honest fellow must pa paddle dle his own canoe Surely Mr r. r H a is not altogether ignorant of how the wires are worked worked- in politics and in big business I Ishall Ishall Ishall shall be pleased please to shed light on that interesting subject if need be But RUt says Mr H Any ny man man v he is located and has good judgment and is honest can borrow borrow borrow bor bor- row money Well some of our farmers are located close to the grass roots but they might aswell as aswell aswell well be located under the grassroots grass grassroots grassroots roots so far as getting money from the banks is concerned And some of them have good judgment and are ate honest Rockefeller Rockefeller Rocke- Rocke feller is not located in Colorado Colorado Colo Colo- rado rad yet he has little trouble getting money from Colorado banks Oh yes get an idea have brains invent something Mr Hs H's use of the terms brains I and physical labor indicates confusion of thought Physical labor aids but bu the principal part of wealth is produced by brains Certainly but the general rule under capitalism is that neither physical or r mental labor is justly justly justly just just- ly rewarded The rhe capitalist who finances either physical or mental mental mental men men- tal labor reaps the rich return and gives to brain and brawn a scant reward It is the tion by capital of the mental worker and the manual laborer against which the Socialist pro pro- tests It is the hope of the Socialist Socialist Socialist So So- that the day may soon come when the worker will be his own capitalist or at least have easy access to its use Now Now- some few inventors have had the capital to materialize their idea and to manufacture their products products products prod prod- without paying heavy tribute tribute trib trib- ut ute to capitalists But most of them are re not so fortunate and mental mental labor bows baws the neck to the tax of capital and capital robs brain nd brawn of its If Mr H disputes these axioms I shall b be glad to furnish furnish furnish fur fur- nish illustrations in iii abundance But it is se evident self evident in his zeal for things as they are that Mr 11 H unconsciously stretches the truth He says says Marconi by mental invented discovered discovered discovered dis dis- covered and developed wireless telegraphy Now v. that is manifestly man- man not true Marconi 1 developed developed developed devel devel- his invention by means of capital and any inventor or manof man manof manof of brains without the use of capital is in a mighty bad way I E E. D. D M MacDougall |