Show Backache Is a Warning Thousands suffer kidney Ills Uta unawares unawares- not Dot knowing that the tho backache headaches and dull nervous dizzy all tired condi condi- condition condition tion lion are often due duo to kidney weakness n. n Anybody who suffers constantly front from backache should suspect the kidneys Some Irregularity of Hie Ilfe secretions may I give just the needed proof Doans Doan's Kidney Kidney Kid Kid- ney Dey Pills ba have bae e been en curing backache and sick kidneys for over fifty years lears An Idaho Case Mrs H. H Price wl E Emy rr Picture W W. First St. St Mos Mos- Tells TaUn a Sto Start y cow Idaho says I was as In a a. badway bad badway way with sharp e cutting pains Incy in inny ny my back My kidneys kidneys kidneys kid kid- were sluggish and I was so miserable miserable mis mis- erable I c could 0 u I c har hardly lIy do my housework hou I felt tired and worn out felt Doans Doan's Kid Kidney n e y PIUs Pills cured me and andI I 1 haven't suffered since Get Doan Dan Do n at Any Stor Store SOc a Box DOANS DOAN'S f Kr RIDNEY PILLS LEsY FOSTER FOSTER CO BUFFALO N. N Y Y A Soluble Antiseptic Powder to tobe tobe tobe be dissolved in water as needed For Douches In the local treatment of or womans woman's nIB ills such as leucorrhoea and inflammation hot douches of ot are very efficacious No woman who has ever used medicated d douches will fail to appreciate the clean and healthy condition produces and the prompt relief from soreness and discomfort which follows i its use This is because possesses superior cleansing disinfect disinfest disinfectIng Ing lag and healing properties For YOT ton ten years the Lydia E. E i Pinkham o Co has recommended rec Tee in their private correspondence with women women women wo- wo i men which proves its J orI Women who have havo been o r relieved say it is worth its weight in gold old ld At t druggists drugg GOc large box x o or r b by mail Sample free heo The Paxton Toilet Co Boston Mass |