Show I oo O MUCH FOR SMALL BRAIN ilg elg Word Meant an Effort but This t Little Girl Made Brave I I I Attempt r This incident occurred just after a 8 Jewish holiday It was In a aV third trade jrade school In Cleveland In a a. district dis dis- of ot Russian and Hungarian Jews t The teacher was explaining the meaning leaning of at tho word judicious She ked the children to give her stories k b the he word f t I Mt Alte l s several ver 1 had given illustrations ons about the judicious ous use of 01 honey the teacher said I t Now give me a a. story about something something some- some thing judicious without money In It J. J IA fA A little girl finally volun volunteered She laid r On our holiday we had roast goose id nd a whole w ole lot of other Jew dishes |