Show DROPPED OF GS G'S Peculiar Exhibit Used by Mrs Bill Bill- tops for the Reformation of Her Husband Ezra said Mrs to her admiring husband I have something here that I desire you should see see and as she spoke she threw back the lid Ud of a big trunk in the storeroom storeroom The trunk was full lev level l full of a avast avast avast vast number of little things of of uniform uniform uniform uni uni- form size that might have been oats or grains of wheat but which upon a little closer Inspection seemed to be small type letters They are letters Ezra said Mrs they are are the g gs g's s you have dropped in the last three thre years And the meaning of or this exhibit was clear to Mr Instantly he was not really a dull man it was not necessary to hit him with a maul mauI to make him understand things Mr has always been a great man manfor manfor manfor for dropping his gs Whether Vh ther from carelessness or laziness or economy of his speech or whatever his promptIng prompting prompting prompt prompt- ing he has always said seem for seeing and beta bein for being and doln doin for lor and this has always disturbed dis- dis turned Mrs Time and again she has sought to get him I in this respect respect re re- sp ct to mend his ways but habit has proved too strong for him and so finally she resolved to give him an object object ob object ob- ob lesson Three years ago Ezra sh she said unbeknown to you I began gathering up the gs g's you dropped in speaking I started put to keep them in an empty fruit jar but I soon found that wouldn't do in fact I was appalled by the number I collected I found that much as you had disturbs dis dig turbe I me in this way I had still l ln n never ver v how bad you were so soI soI soI I began storing them in iu this trunk and here her you see Ezra a a ul ulof of gs g's that you U O have dropped In three years Dont Don't you think that is terrible terri terr- ble Mr freely admitted that it certainly was and then and there In Inthe Inthe inthe the presence of thit open trunk he vowed a reform If she would throw throwaway throwaway throwaway away those gs g's he said right now to the last one he would most earnestly endeavor always to remember to make It ever ever Impossible for her to start another another an an- othe other collection |