Show ii GIVE AUTUMN TOUCH i LITTLE ADORNMENTS THAT BEFIT BEFiT BE BE- FIT COMING SEASON I r 1 Dainty Fabrics Can Be Purchased Cheaply Just Now Now Description Description of of Neat Wool Woof Skirt Designed for General Wear Tho rho frock in one texture and with 1 one piece one effect is about the the most valuable garment of the hour bour and andin andin in the wardrobe of or the coming bride it will hold a most important place place place- especially all such frocks as ar are are made In thin materials and light colors The little lIlUe dresses are very easy to tomake 4 1 t 1 1 11 1 1 II t l ll l 1 I rj 1 I r I ty b fJ 1 j i r I I I j ji jr i Ir I r Y I I v N ma mate make e and endl endless ss summer textures oi of reduced sort tort are adapted to them so i L iP the forthcoming bride hasn't too much money to spend she bad had better bette consider the various dainty fabrics which are sold hither and andTon yon Ton on so cheaply for the little dinner and Sand afternoon frocks she expects to toba ba have ve I r IThe Tl The cotton voiles are admirably suited sult d to t these ese models and these airy fabrics all of wl witted which give a look of extreme elegance have dropped Inmany Inmany in inmany many many cases cases ases to a quarter of their former fore for or mer merr prices Some at 25 cents were in beautiful weaves plain br or with stripes dots checks or splashes in ina ina a darker tone The least bit of inexpensive inexpensive inex inex- pensive silk or velvet ribbon trims these adequately though of course there are are re always dainty ty white and sleeve edges to consid can sId er r. r In ht point of c coloring loring black and white Is decidedly first choice as this combination is still eminently smart and it permits touches of the most brilliant color The Tho little bordered silks worn all aU summer long have also fallen greatly great greatt ly In price and dressmakers are p putting putting put put- t. t ting these to good account through the use of or a little velvet ribbon which at once give an autumn touch to the I pal palest st color Even the bordered muslins are not Impossible for or anybody's anybody's any any- body's present use for with a velvet ribbon girdle and and hem facing and facing and the same edge showing about the neck and sleeves Such sleeves guch diaphanous little frocks make delightful dinner Inner and afternoon and It is always easy to get a color that tones in with autumn needs To go wl with b several little trousseaux frocks just turned out ut In these bargain bargain bar bar- gain materials a clever dressmaker has bas made some matching jackets of thin silk these showing the short waist line and narrow plaited tails which the makers are using so so much The silks for these Jackets all aH of which were unlined except for a little stiffening of collars and cuffs cures cost only 69 59 cents a yard They are cut with separate sleeves the tops of these scooping far Into the shoulders of the body part thus giving the figure fig ure something of a contracted look Then the gathering of the lower parts of the tiny coats suggests a bu bunch bunch- ch- ch mess iness of form but since it Is the mode to look like this it all aU seems very ven smart The Illustration gives a neat wool skirt for practical wear the sort of of dapper skirt every woman needs for rainy days dars shopping and other little jaunts which call for simple dress The skirt Is of a dark black worsted serge with ten bands of worsted braid five of these forming a yoke effect and the others used at the bottom bottom bot bot- tom Each of these could very well be In a single piece and If It the wool used for the skirt proper Is a short length there is no objection objection objection tion tion- to having ba the hip band baud a regular yokO and with this device delice two quite modest bits of contrasting material I could be used The accompanying shirt waist is In Ina Ina ina a blue and white cotton shirting with the the turn over turn over collar and c cuffs soft finished and the trim little g garment set of off with a black black four In In hand band satin tie |