Show M MEANS ANS INCREASE IN PRICES PRICES' 74 Reciprocity's Defeat C Causes utes Adva in Wheat Oats and Flour I Chi Foodstuffs Foodstuffs which mig have been affected by an influx Canadian products had Laurier Laurier- ai ar his g government vern ent no not been defeated Canada Th Thursay rose sharply in pr in all American supply centers F day l 1 Wheat led the advance and was f 1 I lowed late in the day by flour wh Wk mi millers ignored their previous P pi I list and adjusted quotations to figur figu more mor commensurate with the a cost ost of the grain staple j Oats too felt the effect of JJ Canadian vote and as a result co cc o sumers may expect soon to pay I creased prices for breakfast coo boils foods pari |