Show I PAl DAIRY RV NOTES Careful feeding of the bull bulls la ii r sary a 1 aThe The rhe breed does not always ID IDI fai ind good I J d The he sire you use will deter which kind you will get The sire wisely selected should prove on the present herd berd Whitewash is a good goad It should be used liberally In the tie C i c stable I There are poor cows all Il Iland to It and the selection should be made the merits of ot the Individual co coil J Should you desire to build v gJ good reputation for tor table milk la Ii JJ town it might be well to hare baie b breeds 4 To be prepared to proper properlY K Ki a i bull buH suitable for your herd w r snoma Know your own new nero 1 Absolute sanitation and andare are necessary from the time leaves the pasture till the b consumed i iThe The pre presence ence of ot bacteria prods prods a bitter flavor Is the cause of web the ter becoming strong In three or I days after atter churning Next to getting rid of t the M JEI cow the greatest ne need d In n day is better methods method f a. a caring for the dairy dairy- herd herd- The udder and and teats of t the nr 1 should be washed and dried milking and the milking should done with clean dry hands bands Corn silage and alfalfa make mate aD ty sore ration for dairy cows and i i yields of of milk have been rero relm I where nothing ng else was fed The aV average rage Holstein cow ably produce more milk than o oar reeds but with a lower fat tat c COhan coot CO han ban the Jersey or Guernsey A heavy piece of ot canvass and placed over cream chile rhile going to creamery will really in keeping cream cool in P tor lor iJ A |