Show r 1 LOCUST TREES TREE t As Soon ae as Ground Bt r They hey Sho andl Irrl I Dy By n D O. O P. cult cultural C COIl Any person e black or honey boney who locos cah grow his OWn opal dies cies Seeds tree Of that hart even eight or haVe a t r almost as ten teh pe pet 7 1 read readily iv pet been gathered Y yh na t th r either teh but t t case the the Cl 1 If pl Planted dry I seeds are e beans Sf as one De 4 man many or of t t them d taste In ate and in all ot of k 4 slow They the G Should with hot Water In t ner nor the I IFor or For about one halt Place the he seeds in ott wl Will hold anI an O about w will nn on q not be bo broken ab about t t two o or three by hot tr water upon the tho low to seeds stand over over carp water flier ter is 13 poured ight oft that many many Of or the h hand Se It IIi seeds in size and become tap ba should be t taken en Planted Out and remain hard immedIately i t same tr treiL manner until ti swollen au ot f Q Plant in good about three garden e feet seed apart Gfa about one oneo ne Inch of o the black locust a art t and apart for the UtI the former Carmel tv honey lo loC ut r the latter on one e I I h of ao soil upon t thorn them As O PJ d break th through SOOn an as t l the be gl given yen the ground tk t same as a crop ot f Corn trees will l Tas t probably as to make them Deed I inches about t apart in the give tort row T i much stronger allow them to grow mUch At the end of or the is s best to dig alg the grOWing I young fore the ground tree freezes u them in a well drained ering with at least six sli first tot fio tying them Into bundles bundler 60 trees each They should the to following spring In the i hi ot of March or the first of Ap Aa Planted In permanent quarten |