Show SHORT 0 R T STORIES STORIES OF THE WEEK i t The famous Standard patterns at at Barrys' Barrys r t t t Dx tt f ti- ti rt ij li 1 f ii t The fhe Record is in a a. position to turnout turnout turn turnout out anything you need in job printing Dont Don't forget the number when you need some printing done You will S save 1 money bv by gi giving giving ing Beg Beg- Bergs Begs s your ur r order for sa saih sash h d doors ors and building mate material ial Dont you like asparagus Why not raise some We Ve have some fine plants per doz doe Myton lyton Nursery Co We have some extra fine Pear Cherry and German Prune trees Will ill bear in two years from from planting Myton Nursery Co Co Cook Wanted Summer job for man or wo wo- man Good place for man and Wife Apply quick J. J J. J Atkinson New Millinery Stor Store I Mrs S. S S' S M. M Calvert and Miss Miss Ine Inez i Burnett will open a millinery store in inhouse inhouse I house back of the Calvert hot hotel l. l They have ordered the latest styles from New York Their stock will wili arrive during the present month and be on display on or before May 1 and they will be pleased to show the ladies of the community one of the most complete complete complete com com- and date up lines ines of millinery ever brought to the Reserva Reservation ion Ranch Wanted I Must he be patented and water water- ed Give location and tion Also want a pony and saddle Address Box 84 M 1 ton Bill Bartons Barton's Lariat Lands Just Right After being in the saddle since he was old enough to climb a cedar post and get on n the back of the old family horse hOI horseback horseback back in Wyoming in iu the town made famous by Bill Nye and I taking a chance with his rope at anything anything- from an Indian 1 pony to a maverick erick W. W C. C Barton of Theodore this week i imade made the catch of his life tife Miss l Ida Lewis one of Theodore's Theodores Theodores Theodore's Theo Theo- dores dore's popular lar school teachers got caught in th the loop and to tobe tobe I Ibe be sure that the prize would not get away Vill Will took tonk double precaution by having havili Y one h of t Vernal's s magistrates magistrate's s throw v a double hit hitch h for him rn last last Wed Wednesday red eT craning at 6 G 0 o'clock at atthe atthe atthe the residence of Geor George e Julius According to two witnesses to the transaction hi transaction his his brother IC I C. C R. R Barton and Fred Johnson John John- son the son the knot was tied good and tight and the happy young couple left on the automobile automobile for Denver From there they the 4 41 1 go to Laramie where they will J j visit Mr Nr Bartons Barton's sister Mrs j I Otto Burn Burns I 1 j Mr l Barton is a prominent nt 1 I cattleman of Jf the w west st end of the basin and ancI is well and favorably fa favorably favor favor- ably known throughout this section The bride has been heen beena heena a resident of Theodore Theodor during the last school term and it is the prevailing sentiment there re that Will ViII is a mighty lucky boy A Bids Opened for Extension With five bidders in the race the bids for the construction of the extension of the Uintah railway from Dragon to the Temple mine a distance of j I fourteen miles are now closed and General Manager rJ M. M W. W ooley of that road is now in inthe the he l e east closing up preliminary t ary ry business he before f ore the name if f the lowest bidder will be and work work started The he extension will be run due du due 1 north from Dragon down E Eva 4 nation creek to th the Temple mine The mine is lo 10 dated on an asphaltum m vein fifty miles in length Graph Junction function Sen Sentinel tinel PERHAPS De Style Style Style-J I hear Lakeside is so forgetful he always forgets to put gasoline in his auto I I hear lie hr bought a motor boat for his private lake De Dc Style absent mindedly Yes And I suppose half the rime rim now hell he'll forget to put water waler in th tit I lake Harpers Harper's Weekly O 0 NO taw o SPORT Mi Si randy Si what on ou earth ia is iam m meant ant by here Saxon Anglo race the papers iz all anus allus us Si Nea Haymow see Mirandy Mirandy Mi- Mi i. i randy yew know all wall at it in keepin with no deacon to tobo bo o up on them there event c 3 hS 11 t I 1 I H I 3 3 H 4 1011 i I 3 i c i I t Z HH f I H 4 I I It I t. t I i I I 1 1 I 1 1 I- I I I I H I b I REPORTS FURNISHED l I E Eon I Ion I on all of the best tracts of Indian lands offered for sale on I April J A wide experience and thorough knowledge of the country enables me to give the specific and reliable information information mation oration necessary to enable one to purchase these lands r FRED T. T WARNER Surveyor Myton J Utah Hr o 11 MM 1 10 t I S 0 1 J I 1 H S I I I 1 I. I X I 1 I Your Safe ih in in Our proof Fire Vault You can now have for a merely nominal rental rental 3 3 per year your private sa safe in our vault We have havea a limited number of the latest style Safe Deposit per 2 Boxes with double keys krys and shall be pleased to show 1 them to you and to have you take advantage of of this latest method of protecting your valuable x papers THE MYTON STATE BANK B. B L. L DART CASHIER I Sale of Indian Ian Lands so I The hereby informed inform ed cd tl that the list of inherited inherited in- in in in- arid and non competent Indian Indian In- In In In- dian dim within the limits of the juria jurisdiction of the Uintah and Ouray Agency Utah are offered for sale Sealed d bids will bc be received 11 up p to two I 0 o'clock lock P. P M. M on the dah dates s s mentioned below by Captain H. H J. J Brees Acting U. U S S. S ludi ludian an A Agent Arent hiter Utah Each Ench bid must be by hy a certified check heck on sonic some solvent bank brink payable to H. H J. J Brees Acting U. U S. S Indian Agent for ten per cent of the amount of the amount offered Successful bidders must roust furn- furn t per cent of the purchase price upon acceptance of bid The remaining seventy live per percent C cent of purchase price at the option o of the bidder may be paid in in cash or in an equal number of annual payments payments' as as shown under column De lle Deferred frred secured l h by bY notes bearing rest atthe the rate of six percent per annum When the purchase price and accrued interest on the notes ha have been paid in ire full a pa patent tent in fee will be issued by bv the United States to the purchaser When sales are made on the i deferred payment nt plan a certificate cate or memorandum of pur purchase purchase chase l setting setting- out nut fully the terms lerms of the sale will he be delivered delivered de de- livered to the purchaser If the purchaser makes default in his leis first payment the ten per percent cent paid will be forfeited to the In- In r In Indian ulian u- u dian lian owner and anel in case deis de- de is made in fu future ture pay I j r i j T J Jl t l I JOHNNIE the Maltese I JACK JACKI j I belonging lo to P. P L. L Young will stand during the season I at my place in Terms Season 1000 J Lyle Young C tAt At t I the New Windsor Hotel In Salt Lake there thele are no extreme extreme ex ex- forma just lies just plain ev e every everyday ev- ev day ery-day ery day folk with every comfort comfort com cow fort and anil convenience eu thrown rown in Hyrum Baird Prop I o o o. o s sHE ti HE E WOl WOULD NOT DO j little Girl Girl Please Please h have ve you e s epp's epps sI pp's rp's I ps p's head l facetious Butcher Butcher No No my deer dear my own l. l Little ittle Girl Girl It It t wont won't do Wither Maher ants vanIs one with brains in it Phila Phila- Phila Il Inquirer I 1 merits o an addit additional t fifteen per er cent of the purchase price will he so forfeited A All 11 bids f shall halI be enclosed in a n sealed envelope envelope envelope ope which must t be he marked bf hy bythe hythe the bidder hidder Bid for IndianLand Indian IndianLand IndianLand Land and and state the date o 0 of opening but the description o 0 othe the land shall not be he marke marked on the thc envelope Checks of unsuccessful bidders will be he re re- re- re turned The right is reserved resented to r reject any uny or all bids Approved Water Vater Applications for all Indian Lands advertised ad are arc had from the State Engineer Engin Engin- eer these applications are susceptible susceptible susceptible sus sus- of final proof in accordance accordance accordance ac ac- ac- ac with the Laws of the State of Utah A system of irrigation ir- ir ir irrigation r. r gation ditches is practIcally completed covering nearl nearly all the allotted lands of the Indi Indi- ans All appurtenances to the theland land hind in the way of water rights and ditches will be transferred with the lands The cost of ad- ad erti said and conveyance yance will wiIl willbe h be d defrayed fr n ved d by bythe the purchaser Bids can he be made mad on any num number ber of allotments offered hut but each allotment must have a separate and distinct bid The Reservation country county is located d at an average distance of pf seven seventy five fi ve miles fr from m the thera ra railroad road Dragon I Utah the terminal of the Uintah Railway Railway Railway Rail Rail- way Company being one railroad railroad railroad rail rail- road point and Price Utah on the I Denver en ener er and aril Rio Grande being being being be be- ing the other There is a daily stage from Dragon Utah and anda a daily sta stage e except Sunday from PriCe Prise Utah I ab d ser see t we weds wem ds rf w m t I R R. his he v timen time the iti ith n r 3 he ve der he Nc heo heta o 0 A New Spring Hat tat ta tid nd is IS j just w what h at you are now thi thinking n k of yil ill illI I 1 now have a complete and well well-se ds s line of millinery and especially lie het invite attention to my stock of c cLadies Ladies' Ladies Misses' Misses and Childrens' Childrens eai ca Hats Sk 1st door east of My Myton ton State Bank iier cr er MRS A. A F. F MAXWELL lu It Ol- Ol r J Iv r B yr cn f Bh Blu lu i I T C Hotel Myton My ton I Page e WIRE VIRE Woven r rte k os 1 p 1 wM Rates 1502 50 2 per Day b r First First Class Service J O 1 ad 1 or orui orl Private Rooms m ui ur J M t t r p i pl I 3 r ra a S ft Mrs l McGuire Prop ll lie lier IC r j cry r Are you interested in the w wire fence made If so sog get I Page Woven Barbed Barb DR G. G H. H BENTON stands the test is not Ml 1 r roN 0 UTAH VH the best Let Letus us prove it to Page Woven Wire Fence Co rOI Phone messages received Office ce and residence 4 blocks west of for catalogue or call Kg p a new bank batik W. W E. E Broome local agent M fa f ee I a. a U. U If C fr w MI tv h. h I h ANDERSONS ANDERSON'S SA nc f ft 1 BONETA BONET A UTAH u Lid fig All kinds of dimension and squar edged lumber Reasonable char for sawing permits f e MRS C. C E. E ANDERSON SON 1 al Ia a r- r I H H-H H K r. r M H II I I 11 nt B 1 I HI H UH H II H Hh OT I. I 4 Ii I SHOES THAT WEAR jl r i That is the only kind of shoes that we carry 5 t You know our new spring line is is now on the j i shelves The he stock includes i the latest styles m in in i includes It 1 Oxfords Lace bace and Bu Button Shoes t Shoes both both Black l f and T Tan Tan- for Tan for Men Women and Children hildren Remember Re t f member particularly that they are MADE TO FIT THE FEET s c isO I. I T 66 E PIONEER STORT STOR 1 F t You Know W Wei are Headquarters t l S for Everything r CA CAL L LE E ERT RT WA T WAUGH U C H 10 J J J. J So J S J. J rJ 1 io J 1 J t I t H tit A t H |