Show To Prove Supremacy of Wed Ne i- i ii i Ac l wrote roto Denver To To prove the E of the western cow pony three 0 g giado rado ado cowboys J. J A. A Mors 1 George E Eris ris and John Gobin will ride fc t Ha Ht Denver to New York City sW eIl 1 April 8 They will have only N No horses in their string each ing three and using the oth others othir n Clark pack animals They hope to re ra New York in eight weeks Pl ta shing a record for long di Kirr riding They will carry a mesa mes ThE from Mayor Speer of Denver to Mayor Gaynor of New York The horses have selected for forare th tie se are the the best cow ponies they c CM j i find in m Colorado and WYOmIng E th t J I |