Show FRENCHMAN SOLVES SOLVE PROBLEM The problem of synchronizing the cinematograph with the phonograph i which has been for a long time before the inventors of two hemispheres and which Thomas A. A Edison has been working over without success so f far faras faras r ras as the public knows for the last 15 years has been solved it Is claimed by M. M Gaumont a Frenchman and a member of the Academy of Sciences At a session of the Academy M. M Gaumont presented his hia apparatus which he calls caUs the talking cinematograph cinematograph graph The machine in tho the darkened darken darken- ed hall of the academy delivered a lecture lecture lecture lec lec- ture by M M. On tho the screen the noted author was shown delivering his lecture While the phonograph accompanied accompanied ac ac- ac- ac companied accurately with the spoken part M. M himself sat Inthe in inthe inthe the audience amazed at the illusion The rhe correspondence between the phonograph and the movement and gesture of the he pIctures picture was exact The Tho cinematograph talking machine has las many times been promised and many times the announcement has been made that It had been perfected The problem however of ot keeping the he phonograph from running ahead of or behind the moving pictures has until now proved an Insurmountable one And this concordance of ot the dual work of the Instrument was not the only nor even the greatest difficulty After it was found that the phonograph phonograph phonograph graph and cinematograph could be made to synchronize It was discovered discover discover- ed d that there were two other lems One was that when a picture subject with its sound accompaniment was being recorded the phonograph could not receive the sound clearly at atthe atthe atthe the distance from it at which it was necessary to set the picture machine in order to take the views T The e other puzzle has been to produce the necessary necessary necessary sary increase e In the volume of sound to be given out by the phonograph as that Instrument until the appearance of M. M Gaumont's Invention has not had sufficient carrying power to make It satisfactory and completely Intelligible intelligible Intel intel- In a large auditorium |