Show I F PRO PROHIBITIONISTS TS iii N 0 fit I HAT EU EUGENE EUEN EN W. W CHAFIN AGAIN TH 11 LEADER OF Atlantic City The The national P Ob Won convention concluded its I ors Jors hero Friday with the nomInal f t the p party s standard bearers of fOI fo rears rears rears' ago Eugene ago Eugene W. W Chafin Chafia lor o omna AI ona for president and Aaron s. s y W tins ins of Ohio for vice vlee president I jach mch case the nomination was wasy In y acclamation after a sing ball bali iad ad indicated the preference of t tl Four candidates for president w placed in nomination against Mr c CI fin They were F. F W. W Emerson California Finley C. C Hendrickson Maryland Aaron S. S Watkins of or o 0 ond 01 nd ind Andrew J. J Houston of jt r Tex Tej Each ach in turn withdrew his a name a the first ballot The leading candidates against Watkins for vice president E were I Ierson erson of California and George Gcorge Stockwell of New York Mr Chafin addressing the com Lion ion promised not to stand tor for a ti ti nomination Because of or a rush to adjo adjourn n l' l plan to change the name of U was not taken up for general genera slon A A. A J. J Orem of In brief speech a promised to pIed pie more money to the campaign ll f in CUI should the name be changed I believe we could make the c ca ca' doubly doubly- effective if it we shi sho- adopt the name Progressive There were shouts of protest this as well as to the name Conge Cong tion party suggested by Rev S S. S Taft of California |