Show To keep artificial teeth and bridgeWork bridgework bridgework bridge- bridge work antiseptically clean and fr free e efrom from odors and disease germs Antiseptic Is unequaled At druggists druggists druggists drug drug- a box hox or sent postpaid id on receipt receipt receipt re re- re- re of price by The Paxton Toilet Tollet Co Boston Mass I Why be constipated when yon you can get Garfield Garfield Gar- Gar field geld Tea at nD any drug store It will quickly r reI relieve re re- I Here lieve and its lis benefits will be realized i Important It is that the blood be kept pure r Tea is big enough for the Job I SEVEN YEARS OF MISERY r How Mi s. M Bethune was Restored Rew Restored Re Re- w stored to Health by Lydia E. E Pinkham's Vegetable r. r ble hIe Compound L Sikeston Mo U For For seven years I 1 suffered Buffered everything I Ivas was vas in bed for four or five days at a time every month and so weak I could t hardly walk I had hadl l cramps backache I and headache an and d was so nervous and weak that I dreaded 1 to see anyone or g have anyone move in inthe inthe I the room The doctors doc doe doctors 1 I fit i i tors tom gave me mecine medicine medi cine to ease me at tho those e times and said that I ought to have an operation I would not listen to that and when a friend of my husbands husband's S told him about Lydia E. E Pinkham's Vegetable Vegetable Vegetable Compound and what it had done for lor his wife I was willing to take it J Low I look the picture of health and feel fee like it too I can do all aU my own housework housework housework house house- work work in the garden and enter entertain in company and enjoy them and can walk as asfar far ar as any ordinary woman any day in the week I wish I could talk to every suffering Buffering woman and girl and tell them what Lydia E. E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done for me Mrs DEMA BETHUNE Sikes Sikeston ton Mo o. o Remember the remedy which did this was Lydia E. E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound It has helped thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements inflammation ulceration tumors irregularities irregularities irregularities periodic pains backache that bearing down feeling indigestion and nervous prostration after all other means have failed Why dont don't you try it PAINTERS FARMERS FiRMES AND CONTRACTORS LI Oil Substitute A perfect working paint oil practically tho mo working and f br U both Inside o on on n and Genuine n outside Linseed work Oil and d much lel iea S than the tho JenUino Oil L. L With Witti this formula you can produce II a pro product which will give II In uso and pay you m a II high margin ot of money user acquires 03 n Materials lI or special easily lff equipment obtainable g f b of any it k kind are to goI go tine for a II proposition with bIK s S In in 1 It ItS I ls S form formula u la w will au rei meet you ul remen t. t Jou Full 11 eI Irp nit I red ny the tor- tor mule My to turpentine formulas equal to above bold under a guarantee or money bucK Price Trice lIch ANDERSON N Ti X JACKSONVILLE FLORIDA FLORID To cure costiveness the medicine mast beI bo be boi bonore i more nore than a B purgative It must contain contala tonic Iterative alterative and cathartic properties I j possess these qualities and p restore j to the bowels their natural naturI perl peristaltic motion 30 10 essential to regularity T D TA DAISY A lev T t 7 i Tf T PI Dle 4 r st AISY FLY KILLER f ni r. r kim u Nut KeAt clean ln or S chap t iaU ti all aU aaion on lad oC b 1 metal cant can't or 01 tip will not DOt soil or over oven j rw Guaranteed Sold by dealers dealer o or t p Ii tr 0 II sent prepaid tot for torl St St. l. l liOU SaLtERS iso no AT An e. e W. W X t HUSTLERS LERS WANTED WANTED WANTED- 10 your I We Vc a 0 line of tho the thoi i larte fastest t on the market Proposition For further particulars address CIt SPECIALTY SPECIAL TV CO Perin Dept P TS DIG BIG lG MONEY 1 During t I Ration sell Bell Guaranteed Hosiery the tho line hat at repeats repeat our credit plan help you l writ wrIte for tor r particulars Il CO 0 nen Denser er Colo Cole V W W. W N. N U U Salt Lake City No 28 1912 Yes Cordelia a romantic romanti man mabe may ma- maybe maybe be all to th the lit good as aa a lo but buthe buthe he Isn't In H a t wi with wih h the fact matter man as DS a family supporter supporter If there ever is a time lime when you arc are justified in cussing J JIt It is when the e summer weather sets your appetite to fussing But there ther isn't any I need to risk your soul and shock the neighbors ors ors- Tempt your appetite a with T and go singing in g t to y your r J bo Written by W. W J. J J 4 T Tempo Ariz J J On One of lie tte M iO for or which the Co Cre Creek 1 Mic-h. Mic 11 ld 00 In day Mai fa dayL L L. A Whenever You Yau Use Your BacK Bach Every Emr Does a Sharp 4 Pl Pain Hit Vou a It Its It's s. s a n. sign of l sick kidneys especially es es- pecia if it the ther r kidney action Is disordered to too r passages scanty or too frequent or off oU f 01 Do not neglect i any little kidney r. r P r ill for tho ho slight k 1 troubles run into i. i I dropsy gravel stone or Brights Bright's disease Use Doans Doan's Kidney Pills This good remedy cures bad kidneys A TYPICAL CASE CASEI CASE CASE- I J. J C. C Warner wamer ia Ia'S H. H Garfield Aye Am Pocatello Ida ho says Kidney wl complaint L often confined conried O g III r mo to 10 boil bed for O week 1 I passed kidney stones a and anti the pain was terrible Morphine was my only relief until I n ud nud d Donna Donn's Kidney KI Pills Illis Art After r taking this dy stones and 1 1 without pain I am nm now fret free from kidney trouble Get Doans Doan's at any Drug Store SOc a Box Doan Doans H Kidney Y S Pills i Helpmates and are not DO always synonymous Your working power depends upon you your health Garfield Tea helps toward keeping It t. t The rhe reason a girl wont won't let a young man kiss her is because she wants wante him to Mrs Irs Winslows Winslow's Soothing Syrup for far Children t- t softens the sums gums m reduces Inflammation lion tion allays allayu pain cures wind colic a n bottle bottlo One always thinks thinka there Is a lot of ot o money to be made in any any kind 0 of business business busi buss ness that he Isn't In When In need of a good laxative gIve gire G Gar Geld jehl Tea lea I n 1 trial and anti be bo convinced of its merlL It is made entirely from pure pUle herbs important to Mothers I Examine carefully every bottle of at CASTORIA a safe and sure remedy for Infants and children and see that It Bears the d Signature Signature of ofIn ofIn i In Use For Over 30 Years Children Cry for Fletchers Fletcher's Castoria |