Show I I II I J. J i 1 i 1 l r L i D 4 I WILSON WINS ON THE SIXTH FORTY DEADLOCK FINALLY BROKEN AND HONORS GO TO NEW JERSEY AND INDIANA Withdrawal of Candidates Candi on Last Ballot Makes Nomination of Wilson Wil Wil- Wilson son Possible While Marshalls Marshall's Opponents Quit After Second Balt Baltimore Baltimore After After breaking all re rec records orda for the number of at ballots taken at nl a national convention for a presidential candidate the Democratic delegates finally settled upon a candidate candidate candidate candi date on the sixth forty-sixth ballot Governor Gover Gover- nor Wood Woodrow row Wilson being the choice of the convention I The fhe ticket was completed at l when after two ballots Governor Thomas R R. Marshall of Indiana was nominated Dominated for vice president The nomination of or Governor biar- biar Mar Marshall shall for Cor vice president came as something something something some some- thing of a surprise for when the balloting balloting bal bal- began It seemed that the Bryan- Bryan Wilson contingent in the convention had definitely settled upon Governor Joseph D P. Burke of North Dakota There was not much of a fight however however however how how- ever and when two ballots disclosed Marshall easily in the lead Governor Go Burkes Burke's name was withdrawn and Marshall Marshall Mar Mar- shall shaH was proclaimed the nominee by acclamation A minute later the contention convention con con- had adjourned sine dieThe die The delegates worn weary made their way out of the big convention hall singing and happy to start for home Governor Wilson was nominated at atthe atthe atthe the afternoon session on the forty sixth ballot and his nomination like that of Go Governor Marshall was quickly quick quIck- ly Jy made unanimous The fhe best of feeling feeling feel feel- ing pervaded both sessions and both delegations seemed to be In a good frame of mind Mr Bryan Dryan had announced his intention intention intention in in- of introducing a resolutIon in effect discharging the national committee com corn from Crom conducting the coming campaign and allowing Governor Wilson Wilson Wilson Wil- Wil Wil Wil- son to appoint his own campaign manager man man- I ager He was dissuaded from this courses and instead of making a I move that might have bave stirred up strife he made a little speech which he be termed valedictory and i in happy 1 rein ein ein turned over the mantle mantIe of Df his 1 former leadership as a presidential 1 candidate to Governor Wilson Vilson I He pledged his faithful s support support to j the tho presidential nominee az and d ended by urging that either Governor Burke Durke or Senator George Chamberlain Chamber aln of Oregon Oregon Oregon Ore Ore- gon be nominated for vice-president vice The Nebraskan was under understood particularly particularly par par- j to favor Burke Durke as a type of I Ithe the modern progressive 1 When ben after the first ballot someone someone someone some some- one moved to m make ke the nomination of ot Marshall unanimous Mr Bryan Dryan started started start start- J Jed ed for the stage to make a statement The motion was withdrawn before he could speak When the motion was C renewed after the second ballot Mr Bryan Dryan did not protest The platform hewn out In committee commit commit- tee several day days ago and warmly praised by Mr Bryan Dryan was adopted with a whoop Many of th the delegates went directly from Cram the convention contention hall to special trains The Democratic convention at Its final session Tuesday night was inmany in inman inmany man many respects almost the direct opposite opposite opposite op op- of oC the e ses that had proceeded pro- pro it It was marked by the accomplishment accomplishment ac ac- of at much business without with with- without out very ery much noise In one respect it vas teas like many of its predecessors William Jennings Bryan Dryan made a speech The Democrats took two votes vote on the vice president and and were taking a roll call when Governor Burke Durke Durker of r North Dakota was withdrawn and Governor Go Marshall was named by acclamation ac ac- The platform had already b been en adopted when this came and in ina a minute or two after arter the acclamation motion had bad carried the convention contention was adjourned Only four ballots wore were necessary necessary on Tuesday to reach al a nomination for president When th the convention adjourned adjourned ad ad- Monday night It seemed to bein be bein bein in an all aU but hopeless deadlock VUron Wll- Wll son ron had begun to lose Joso ground on thelast the thelast thelast last few Cow ballots ballota and Champ Clark had made a few temporary gainsOn gains On the first b ballot on Tuesday the Tuesday the second forty Wilson second Wilson Jumped from 49 votes totes to Then came cani the forty fifth It was mg n 11 a t way for Clark held Ills his own and aud Wilson mado made a gain of only four There were few in the hall ball at this time who did not believe bellevo r tk v vet T ZY a V y 4 a k 0 r n r ra a rs j OY Kar r s a y y rJ Q 1 1 I j j 1 Wilson would win but they feared it would take a long long while for foi him bim himo to o attain the 3 votes necessary to o nominate m I The fhe sixth forty ballot had been ordered ordered ordered or or- dered when Senator Bankhead of Alabama Alabama Alabama Ala Ala- bama was seen Geen making his way to the stage for the purpose of withdrawing I Underwood's name nam Word Vord flashed over the he great armory that his purpose was waso to o withdraw Air Mr lr Underwood from the therace therace therace race and release his delegates to vote for whom the they saw fit The delegates wearied by the long sessions of the past week realized all at once that this was indeed the cli cli- max There was a confusion of at cheering cheering cheer- cheer ing ng applause and calls from one delegation delegation dele dele- gation gatlon to another The galleries caught ip up tie t-ie disorder a and d added to the din Senator Bankhead stood for a long while before he could proceed He had uttered but few words when the meaning of at his remarks became clear and md there wore nt Interruptions of Dr applause and noisy demonstration The Missouri delegates accused the Underwood delegates of faking Senator Stone of at who had been In jn consultation with Speaker Clark climbed to the stage and when he could make himself heard released In n the name of the thc speaker all of or the tile delegates who had bad been pledged to himAs lira him As for Missouri however he added added add add- ed she will case her thirty-six thirty votes votes' for or Champ Clark to the end Mayor Fitzgerald of Boston Doston with with- 4 o e ef r f r THOMAS R. R MARSHALL drew the name of Governor Foss of Massachusetts It was a foregone conclusion what the result would be as the last call can of or orthe the states began Alabama which had started every other call with 21 24 votes for Underwood changed to Wilson I and state after state followed suit It was Just 3 15 o'clock when the solid soUd 76 votes of Pennsylvania car carried carried ried Wilson Vilson over the winning line making the total of votes The stampede did not end until of the 1088 votes in the convention contention had been cast for the nominee Clark received 84 and Harmon 12 Two were absent Missouri l with her 36 had been Joined In the last ballot for Clark by 2 24 of California's 26 votes by five delegates delegat s from Florida two from Louisiana all ll six from Nevada four from New Jersey th the home state of Governor Wilson six from the District District Dis ms- of Columbia and one from Ohio This little handful readily Joined in inthe inthe inthe the chorus of acclamation when Senator Senator Senator Sen Sen- ator Stone moved that the nomination be made unanimous It was 3 35 o'clock when Chairman James officially declared Mr Wn Wilson Wll-on on the nominee of at his party There was an attempt at another demonstration but the delegates were too tired to keep it up long The dove of at peace played a conspicuous conspicuous con con- party in the fi final fil l session of the Democratic contention the convention the thirteenth thirteenth thirteenth thir thir- session The of states for nomination for vice president was ordered at II H. II H. Deane Daane of Georgia nom nominated mated Champ Clark but Governor Dockery of Missouri informed the convention that Clark would not accept the nomi nomi- nation Senator W W. E E. Purcell of North Dakota Dakota Da Da- kota was recognized for the purpose of ot presenting the name of at Governor Burke of oC North Dakota Samuel nominated Elmore Elmore El- El more W W. Hurst of ot Rock Island Ill after which G. G V V. es of at Mount 1 Vernon Ind presented the name of at I 1 Marshall Mayor James H H. Preston of Baltimore Baltimore Balti DalU- more was nominated by Alonzo L. L Miles lUes of Baltimore The first ballot on the vice nomination gave gae Marshall Preston 58 Chamberlain Hurst 77 Burke 3 McCombs 18 Sulzer Sul- Sul zer 3 Wade 26 Osborne 8 absent 46 1 3 The result of or the second ballot was Marshall Burke Durke Cham Cham- Chamberlain Chamberlain 12 Representative Hughes of New Jer Jerl sey soy moved mated that Marshall be nominated J by acclamation but a ch chorus rus of or dissent dissent dis dis- dis sent followed r Chairman James ordered the roll roU called Before the ll could be begun th the N North Dakota Dakota delegation withdrew the name name of Governor Burke and moved that the the nomination of Marshall be made unanimous Before Defore the motion could be put there here was a a chorus of at Ayes and the delegates began to crowd crowd out of the hall ball No one heard the motion to adjourn or James' James announcement that the convention convention convention con con- was adjourned sine die The motion was declared carried at and the Democratic convention F was over Dr Woodrow Wilson was born at I Staunton Va December Va 28 1856 1836 He Hes Heis I Is s the son of Dr Joseph R. R Wilson a I Pre Presbyterian minister and the grandon grand grand' grandson son on of at Judge James Wilson an Irishman Irishman Irish Irish- man of Scotch descent who migrated from rom County Down to Philadelphia in 1807 Woodrow Wilson graduated from Princeton In the famous class of ot 1879 No less than 42 of ot the graduates graduate of f 79 were honor men having an average of 90 per cent or better foi for forthe the he four years' years course Wilson barely got in among them he ranked forty forty- fi first L Wilson began life liCe as a lawyer open open Ing ng an office at Atlanta but gave up p his practice eighteen months spent pent in that city He improved his tIme me in Georgia however by securing the he promise of Miss Louise Axson to tobe tobe toe be e his wife The were a prom prom- inept nent Georgia lowlands family The young oung couple were married In 1875 In the fall of 1885 Mr Jill Wilson began teachIng caching political to the girls girl of f Bryn Mawr From this institution he le went t to Wesleyan university where he r remained until called to Princeton In 1890 to occupy the chair ot of f jurisprudence and politics In 1902 he ie was elected president of Princeton In May 1910 the Graduate College Colleg of f Princeton university became the leg legatee tee of a estate which could not be accepted without sacrificing ing ng Wilsons Wilson's policies The money was was accepted The presidents president's resignation nation did not come com however until after fter the New Jersey state Democratic convention on September 15 1910 had nominated him for Cor the tho governorship In the following November New Jersey Jersey Jer Jer- sey ey went Democratic for the tho first time since ince 1892 and elected Wilson by a large argo majority |