Show Tuo WHO DOES WRITE THE JOKES principally the Professional Funny FunnyMan Man Which Easily Explains Their Sad Quality How flow are jokes made Th The funny tunny b bone ne of the American people demands a thousand new pleasantries every very everyday day The doctors say that our oar diaphragms diaphragms dia dla- must be he tickled or we will willdie die How can anybody sit down and Deliberately make up Jokes that will wUl willU U tl tickle kle us The flie main source of newspaper jokes tokes 1 is the professional funny The funny fanny man works In various ways A crude dude beginner at the joke trade usually usual usual- ly 11 opens tho the dictionary tit random and I Ib b begins ns to look for words to make puns on He comes to tho word horse That reminds him of ot horse sense So ho frames the following little Johnny John John- ny Dy and teacher anecdote Johnny said ald the teacher write write fa a. a sentence using the tho words horse Tense j nse nse Johnny wrote One night pa ja forgot to lock the stable and he heI I hasn't seen seer his horse sense I T s Joke is duly published In the r funny column of the metropolitan pa pa- per A magazine writer seeing the thel l tory story In a country paper thinks it original and exclusive He steals It and nd sells It to to a weekly magazine ot of national circulation From this magazine maga t 1 Line zine London editors grab the little Jest Jestand t and md It Is now afloat on the wide ocean oceano o of English language and It probably Will outlive the man who wrote it Most of ot the anecdotes that fill 1111 the fanny tunny columns never happened In rea real life They are the brain children of tome some hired Jester who dotes dotes' on d tes There Is a pun vun right there ghe The professional funny man would p ponder that a minute then produce a rhyme like this Artie Artle chokes on artichokes And writhes about In pain But ut Auntie dotes oh oft antidotes r And soon hes he's well again |