Show BlUEBEll I IB B By Mrs Florence Florenco Sargent l f Mr and Mrs Lyman Burdick re received received received re- re word of the birth of a baby babyboy babyboy babyboy boy born to Mr and Mrs Leon Burdick of Salt Lake City on June 22 This is Mr and Mrs Burdick's first grandchild I Ed Conklin superintendent of the R R. E. E A A. A project was In Blue Blue- I i 1 bell ben on business Friday Mr and Mrs John Goodrich were in Duchesne on business on Friday Out of town visitors at Sacrament Sacrament Sacrament Sacra Sacra- ment meeting Sunday evening were Bishop and Mrs Floyd Case and daughter Deane Mr and Mrs LeRoy Rust and daughter Zella zelIa and Mrs Fred Case of Mt Emmons Em Em- mons President resident E E. L L. L Murphy and E. E Murphy of Upalco and and Mr and Mrs Byron Goodrich and son Lynn of Vernal Mr Goodrich Lynn and President Murphy were the speakers for the evening Mr and Mrs Ray Gagon and children of Roosevelt were visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs Levison Levison Levison Levi- Levi I son Hancock Sunday Mr and Mrs Hosea Lisonbee and family were visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs Charlie Bird Sunday Mrs Zella ZelIa Goodrich was visiting with Mrs Martha Thorsen Satur Satur- day Quite a large crowd from here attended genealogical conference at Mt Emmons Sunday Owen Goodrich spent the week weekend week nd with his wife we at Ioka loka Mrs Leslie B B. B Goodrich and daughter Velva and Max Mai Owens of Roosevelt visited at the home of Mr and Mrs Frank L. L Smith of Upalco Saturday evening and Sunday Bishop and Mrs Bill Brotherson of Boneta were calling at the Murray Murray Murray Mur Mur- ray home Monday Lynn Angus and Ben Webb of Ioka loka were guests of Emily and Venla Sunday Mrs Ralph Woodard and children children children chil chil- I dren left for Kamas on Friday after after af af- ter having spent the past two at the at-the the home of Mr and Mrs JIrs R R. A A. A Murray l J Mr and Mrs Vose Mowers and children of Mt Emmons were visiting visiting visiting visit visit- ing at the home of Mr and Mrs Eirl Murray Wednesday of last week Mr and Mrs Harold White and children of Duchesne were were- visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs John X Anderson Sunday Mrs John X X Anderson left Monday Monday Monday Mon Mon- day for Provo to attend the funeral funeral funeral fun fun- eral of her sister Mrs R R. A. A Murray and daughter daught r Gladys Mrs Florence Sargent and small daughter were visiting with Mrs l Earl Muray Tuesday |